From Mises Institute <[email protected]>
Subject A Keynesian Myth: Spending Fuels Economic Growth
Date January 21, 2025 8:02 PM
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Mises Institute
Tuesday, January 21, 2025

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Opposing the Keynesian Illusion: Spending Does Not Drive the Economy
Jonathan Newman
The central pillar of the Keynesian system is that spending drives the economy, so savings on a large scale will push the economy into recession. As Austrians know, that narrative is entirely false and fails to accurately explain how the economy works.

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Can Monetary and Fiscal Stimulus Counter Recessions?
Frank Shostak
The standard Keynesian line is that the government can shorten recessions by using fiscal and monetary “stimulus.” However, as Austrian economists note, ratcheting up government spending only makes things worse, setting the stage for the next economic downturn.

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Slavery—Cronyism, Opportunity Cost, and Deadweight Loss

A modern misconception of antebellum slavery is that it “built the country.”

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USA’s Worst Three Presidents

Tom DiLorenzo appears on the Tom Woods Show.

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Private Firefighters: Not Just for the Elite Anymore
In Los Angeles, if you want your home or business protected from fires, you must hire concierge firefighters.

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Pardon Mania: The Regime Protects Its Own
The recent frenzy of pardons is an important reminder that there is no such thing as the so-called “rule of law” in the United States.

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Aid to Ukraine Has Come with a Steep Price for the West
By sending Ukraine special equipment to combat emergencies, Western leaders ignored the safety of their populations.

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The Misesian Vision

Lew Rockwell presented this talk in Houston, Texas, on January 23, 2010.

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The Origins of the
Federal Reserve

Where did this thing called the Fed come from? In one extended essay that reads like a detective story, Murray Rothbard has put together the most comprehensive and fascinating account based on a century’s accumulation of scholarship.

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