From Richard Harris <[email protected]>
Subject Action Alert: Born Alive Protection Act
Date January 21, 2025 7:13 PM
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Now is the time to act. Demand Congress VOTE YES on HR 21 & S 6, the Born Alive Act!

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Your help is needed now!

Demand Congress VOTE YES on HR 21 & S 6, the Born Alive Act!

Dear John,

Please read the forwarded email below from our friend Mat Staver at Liberty Counsel.

URGENT! Born Alive Vote Next Week!

Jan 17, 2025

Babies survive abortions all the time. But as our former client Jill Stanek, RN, testified before Congress, unspeakable horror is happening to these living breathing children from coast to coast.

Every day in this country, as Jill testified, fully born and very much alive babies are being thrown into trash cans, even stuffed into Ziploc bags to suffocate, wither, and die. And as our client Sandra Merritt’s videos proved, sometimes those children are butchered alive to garner high prices on the human organ trafficking circuit.

In many states across the nation, it is perfectly legal to actively kill a child, or let the child die, so long as the child was originally intended to be aborted.

Congress will vote NEXT WEEK, sometime between Wednesday and Friday, on the Born Alive Act — a measure that would make it a crime to kill a baby born alive.

Demand Congress VOTE YES on HR 21 & S 6, the Born Alive Act!

Sign our petition ([link removed] ) and/or fax Congress now! ([link removed] )

After witnessing a horrific car accident in her youth, Jill Stanek felt a calling to become a nurse. She would spend her career saving lives. Fresh out of nursing school, Jill took a job with Christ Hospital and Medical Center of Oak Lawn, IL. She soon learned there was nothing “Christ-like” about this hospital’s maternity unit.

Not long after joining the maternity unit, one of Jill’s co-workers told her something almost unbelievable — living, breathing, newly born babies were being sent down to the hospital’s soiled laundry storage room where the children were left alone until they died.

In her testimony before Congress, Jill detailed a series of horrors she witnessed. In one case, a little boy survived an abortion. But rather than treat the child like any other newborn, this child was wrapped in a towel and sent to a dirty laundry collection room to die among the soiled sheets.

“I was traumatized and changed forever by my experience,” says Jill, now a former nurse for Christ Hospital and Medical Center. (Lest you think the hospital is “Christian,” think again. It is part of the United Church of Christ — think Obama’s “pastor,” Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who declared that people who are PRO-abortion are “good Christians.”

“I could not bear the thought of this suffering child dying alone in a Soiled Utility Room,” Jill told the congressional panel. “So, I cradled and rocked him for the 45 minutes that he lived.”

Had this child been born after any procedure other than an abortion, he would have been put in a warming bin, given oxygen and a chance to survive. But saving the life of children who manage to survive abortion was not hospital policy.

These children deserve to LIVE! ([link removed] )

Demand Congress to VOTE YES on HR 21 & S 6! ([link removed] )

Sickeningly, this was not an isolated incident.Jill recounted yet more experiences where children were left to die, or were intentionally murdered after birth.


In one case, a living, breathing little boy was wrapped in a paper towel like kitchen trash before being tossed in the hospital laundry room trash can.


In another case, doctors recommended an abortion because they thought the child had spina bifida. But the doctors were wrong. The child was born healthy and alive and with a perfectly intact spine. But because the baby survived an abortion, the living, HEALTHY baby was dumped in a trash can and left to die.


Another botched abortion produced a beautiful living, breathing 2-pound baby, a weight that indicated a strong ability to survive and thrive. The nurse overseeing that abortion says she is haunted “because she doesn’t know if she made a mistake by not getting that baby medical help.” But the hospital policy was simply to let children who managed to survive an abortion die.


In yet another botched abortion, a baby was born with what medical experts deemed a nearly 40% chance of surviving. In any other circumstance, Jill told Congress, “There would have been a neonatologist, pediatric resident, neonatal nurse, and respiratory therapist present for the delivery, and the baby would have been taken to our Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for specialized care.”

Instead, Jill testified that “after delivery, the baby, who showed early signs of thriving, was merely wrapped in a blanket and kept in the Labor & Delivery Department until she died 2½ hours later.”

This practice of letting children die who are born alive following an attempted abortion became so prevalent that traumatized nurses — many of them mothers themselves — created a “Comfort Room” to hold the babies until their last breath.

In any other situation, neglecting a baby to the point of death is heinous and punishable by prison time. But because these atrocities are being committed by abortionists, they are not considered a crime in most states.

Worse yet, as our client Sandra Merritt’s undercover videos revealed, many abortionists outright murder living, breathing children, wiping the life out of their tiny, newly born bodies.

In abortionist Kermit Gosnell’s case in Philadelphia, he used sharpened utility scissors to cut babies’ tiny spinal cords once they had been fully born.

In another case, an abortion survivor was born alive in an easy chair at A Gyn Diagnostic Center of Hialeah, Florida. Undeterred by the breathing baby’s movements and cries, the clinic owner, Belkis Gonzalez, simply cut the umbilical cord and zipped the little girl into a Ziploc-like biohazard bag to suffocate her. This must STOP!

Congress will vote NEXT WEEK! Demand they LET the CHILDREN LIVE! ([link removed] )

When Jill Stanek was fired for exposing the horrors at Christ Hospital, we defended her. And we continue to defend Sandra Merritt, the undercover journalist who exposed Planned Parenthood’s baby butchering crimes, from criminal prosecution and potentially 10 years in prison.

YOUR GENEROUS SUPPORT allows us to defend brave women like these who expose the evil of abortion. Sandra’s case is the most expensive case in Liberty Counsel history. Please help us defend this lifesaving truth teller with your generous donation today, which will be DOUBLED IN IMPACT by a special Challenge Grant. ([link removed] )

Mat Staver

Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel

Act Now
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Please share this information with everyone at your church or other like-minded community groups.

For the future of our nation and the unborn,

Richard Harris

Executive Director of Truth & Liberty

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