Dear Fellow American,
Thank you!
It took ten years, but we settled our 2014 Freedom of Information Act
(FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. State Department that sought then-Secretary
of State Hillary Clinton’s emails regarding the Benghazi
This is the lawsuit that forced the Obama administration to admit to
Hillary Clinton’s hidden classified and other government emails in
2015…and that broke open the dam of information about her emails
that led directly to her defeat in 2016!
The American people owe Judicial Watch an enormous debt of
thanks…and I
ask for your support today so we can keep doing the long, hard, and
expensive work of breaking through government secrecy and demanding
accountability from the corupt and powerful!
It is no small matter to pursue a lawsuit for ten years against the
deep pockets of the federal government, contributions from patriotic
Americans make that possible.
Today, we are pursuing dozens of lawsuits against the federal government
to get to the truth about Biden family corruption, over Deep State efforts
to take down Donald Trump, plus dozens of lawsuits to force accountability
about how our tax dollars are being spent…and of course we’re
fighting in state courts to keep our elections honest.
Your contribution
now will help us make sure we can keep digging in for as long as it
takes and keep fighting for you, for the rule of law and for the
American people&squo;s “right to know!”
Thank you for your interest in Judicial Watch...and I hope you will join
with us today!
Thomas Fitton President