Some people argue that LGBTQ+ rights should be left to individual states. But if we let that happen, here's how certain states would decide:
In Montana, lawmakers just pushed a discriminatory bathroom bill to the state House floor. A representative shockingly argued that this bill was needed to prevent people from 'getting off' on bathroom sounds.
In New Jersey, the Democratic Senate Deputy Majority Leader claimed trans women are really men and called for a trans sports ban.
During a press conference in Nebraska announcing a bathroom ban, one anti-trans advocate stated "The idea of separation of church and legislature is one of the biggest things that personally really pisses me off.”
In Idaho, state legislators are urging the U.S. Supreme Court to reconsider Obergefell and return the decisions to the states.
While LGBTQ+ elected officials have protected marriage equality in states like Hawaii, California, and Colorado, more than half of U.S. states still have marriage equality bans on the books that would take effect if Obergefell is overturned.
If we leave our rights up to anti-equality majorities in the state legislatures, they will strip them away. That's why we're constantly fighting - and winning - seats in state legislatures across the country. Make a donation today to ensure we can keep fighting - and protect LGBTQ+ rights in every state!
Thank you for all you do,
Orie Givens
Pronouns: He/Him
Vice President of Communications, LGBTQ+ Victory Fund
PS - These bills are being tracked and reported by Erin in the Morning. Read her work here!