From Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality <[email protected]>
Subject Public Notice: Categorical Exclusion Determination, Town of Meeteetsee, Wyoming, Meeteetsee 2025 Water Tank Replacement Project
Date January 21, 2025 3:02 PM
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Categorical Exclusion Determination, Town of Meeteetsee, Wyoming Meeteetsee 2025 Water Tank Replacement Project

The Department of Environmental Quality/Water Quality Division (DEQ) has conducted a review of the proposed Meeteetse 2025 Water Tank Replacement Project in accordance with EPA and State of Wyoming procedures for implementing the State Environmental Review Process.  DEQ has determined that this project is eligible for a categorical exclusion.  Accordingly, DEQ is exempting the project from further substantive environmental review requirements under the State Environmental Review Process.  Neither an Environmental Assessment/Finding of No Significant Impact nor an Environmental Impact Statement/Record of Decision will be required for the proposed action.  The following is a brief description of the situation and the proposed action and a brief statement of how the action meets the criteria for a categorical exclusion.

The project consists of constructing a new water tank and piping within a previously regraded area adjacent to the water treatment plant, removing and replacing a storage tank on the northeast side of the Meeteetse Trails Estates Subdivision, installing a mixing system in the town’s 500,000 storage tank, installing mixing systems in each of the tanks, and completing work within the existing water treatment plant.  Based on current cost estimates, the Town of Meeteetse plans to borrow approximately $1,678,838 from the State of Wyoming, Wyoming State Revolving Fund Program.  72.1 percent of the SRF funds borrowed will qualify for principal forgiveness.  The remaining 27.9 percent ($468,143) will be taken as a loan.  Increased user fees will repay the loan. The average rate increase is estimated at $3.06 per month per user to repay the loan. Loan terms will be 0.5% interest rate and 25 years. 

The Town of Meeteetse is aware of and accepts that it will be responsible for any required mitigative actions, including stormwater runoff, erosion control, archeological/historical artifacts, floodplain permitting, and air quality permitting concerns.  The Town will take measures to protect waterways throughout the project scope and mule deer range during activities by avoiding ground-disturbing activity outside of the water treatment plant building between November 15 and April 30th.  These will be part of the standard SRF contract conditions.

DEQ is granting an exclusion because the project will replace and improve the existing infrastructure contained on the property. This project will be constructed entirely in previously disturbed ground, specifically ground disturbed by road or utility construction. DEQ has determined that exempting the proposed project from further review under the State Environmental Review Process will not result in adverse impacts to the population or the area of the Town of Meeteetse and Park County, Wyoming.

The documentation to support this decision will be on file in the DEQ Cheyenne Office and is available for public review upon request. Requests for information about the proposed decision may be directed to Greg Crocker, SRF Project Manager by email (*[email protected]* <[email protected]>) or phone (307) 777-6941). Written comments shall be addressed to Greg Crocker, Department of Environmental Quality, 200 W. 17th St., Suite 200, Cheyenne, WY 82002 or via FAX (307) 635-1785., and be postmarked on or before 5:00 p.m. on February 24, 2025 to be considered. Electronic comments may only be submitted through and accepted by the Wyoming DEQ comment portal provided at *[link removed] [ [link removed] ]*. Phone or email comments will not be accepted.

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