John: A generous donor has offered to MATCH every single gift right now, and your participation is mission critical.
Ceres is currently at the forefront of climate action and the movement to build a better, more sustainable economy once this global pandemic wanes. Your (doubled!) gift is paramount to supporting this shared vision.
If we just come together during these tough times, there’s no doubt that our loyal community can and will reshape our economic and global systems, all while considering our climate as the top priority!
Your DOUBLED gift, made right away, ensures our team has the resources we need to:
Put human rights at the forefront of our global financial systems, ensuring investors and companies become more aware of the needs and well-being of their workers.
Spur businesses to support state and federal policies that will help reduce worldwide emissions and transition our economy to low-carbon power sources.
Secure commitments from leading corporate stakeholders to reduce water pollution and source crops responsibly.
This work—this mission—hinges on what you and thousands of Ceres supporters do now in this very moment.
Thank you in advance for stepping forward with a doubled gift. With you at our side, we can (and will!) build back better.
And from all of us at Ceres, please accept our most sincere wishes for your health, wellness, and safety.
-The Ceres Team
P.S. The coronavirus pandemic must serve as a global wakeup call: We need to stand together to solve our world’s biggest challenges. John, as we strive to rebuild our economy, we need you at our side. Give now to double your impact →
Ceres is a sustainability nonprofit organization working with the most influential investors and companies to build leadership and drive solutions throughout the economy.