Trump’s first act: A giveaway to Big Oil.

Trump signs executive orders
rolling back key climate policies.

Trump signs executive orders rolling back climate policies.

Hi, it’s Mark Ruffalo. On his first day back in office, Donald Trump signed executive orders rolling back key climate policies.

These actions are being celebrated by oil industry lobbyists who claim "energy won" the election. But let’s be clear: The real winners are the billionaire oil executives who bankrolled Trump’s campaign—and the losers are all of us if we don’t fight back.

My long-time friends at the Progressive Change Campaign Committee are pressing Democrats in Congress to SHOW BACKBONE when Trump betrays Americans and tries to give away our country to billionaires. This includes deep work in the halls of Congress.

Can you chip in $3 or more to the PCCC’s work organizing Democrats in Congress to FIGHT WITH BACKBONE against Trump and oligarch corruption? (Make it monthly if you can.)

Last May, The Washington Post revealed that Trump personally urged oil industry executives to contribute $1 billion to his campaign, promising to reverse dozens of environmental policies. The Wall Street Journal reports that billionaire oil donors "swooned" at his pledges and poured tens of millions of dollars into his campaign.

When I played an investigative journalist in Spotlight, millions of people saw how powerful it can be to shine a light on corruption. But this time, we don’t even need to dig to uncover the truth—Trump’s quid-pro-quo with Big Oil is right there for everyone to see.

Now, Trump has delivered on his corrupt promise—paying back his donors with policies that will fatten their profits by making climate change worse, by poisoning our air and water, and by hurting our children’s futures.

Last time Trump disgraced the White House, Democrats often fought his disastrous policies with backbone, and in critical fights saved the Affordable Care Act, blocked his most xenophobic immigration policies, staved off draconian cuts to services, and created a historic record of his crimes in office.

Please chip in to the PCCC’s work in the halls of Congress giving Democrats the backbone to fight that way again. (Make it monthly if you can.)

Thank you for being part of this fight.

– Mark Ruffalo





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