Please take Action TODAY!
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Please take action where you are able.  Both are pretty easy and quick, but need to be done no later than noon on Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025.

1)  Government Overreach:  Senator Bob Hall, (R-SD2), has asked for our help with an issue at the Texas Parks & Wildlife Dept.  They have issued a proposed new ruling that will threaten  the livelihood of deer breeders and the economic stability of Texas.

According to Senator Hall, the new rules are carefully worded to eventually run all Texas deer breeders out of business.  TPWD started their crackdown in approximately 2014.  So far, they have caused about 50% of breeders to go out of business.  You can read more about the issue and Senator Hall's message about it here.

Please take a moment to make an on-line comment with the TPWD. 


  1. Submit Your Opposition Online

  2. Attend the Public Hearing

    • Date: Thursday, January 23, 2025
    • Time: 9:00 a.m. (Registration begins at 8:00 a.m.)
    • Location:
      Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
      Commission Hearing Room
      4200 Smith School Road
      Austin, TX 78744
  3. Spread the Word
    Share this email with others who care about protecting small businesses and the future of deer breeding in Texas. Encourage them to take action online or in person.

**This may not be something the average person is interested in, but it falls under our TTP Core Values of Limited Government, and our Legislative Priority to stop government overreach.  I certainly don't know anything about deer or deer breeding, but I trust Senator Hall, and I already did what he asked (it took about 5 seconds).  Enough government interference in our lives and businesses!

2) Reforms in the Texas House & Banning Democrat Chairs:  As mentioned in the Friday message, there are two issues that will come before the Texas House on Wed Jan. 22 that will affect the reforms we've been seeking in the TX House.

First, there is a Housekeeping Resolution, HR3, that will be voted on Wednesday.  On page 15 of the resolution there is new language that would give Burrows the unilateral authority to hire an attorney to file lawsuits on behalf of the House. This authority constitutionally, resides with the House as a body. THIS IS A BAD THING! Tony McDonald explains it well in this X post. Read the post to understand, but trust us - we don't need the Speaker having that kind of power and authority!

Second, our quest to ensure there are No Democrat Chairs, is now on the line in this HR3 Housekeeping Resolution.  On Wednesday, Representative Cody Vasut, will file an amendment to strike Section 5.11 of the Housekeeping Resolution, which was added last session as a backdoor way to prevent the vote on banning Democrat chairs.

Remember last session when Rep Tinderholt filed the rules change to ban Democrat chairs and it never got a vote because Dade Pelan upheld a point of order?  It was this Section 5.11 that was the basis for the point of order.  The section needs to be stricken if there is any hope of banning D. Chairs.

Once the Housekeeping Resolution is adopted,  Rep Vasut will file the actual rule change to ban Democrat chairs.  But it will only work if they have stricken Section 5.11 of the Housekeeping Resolution.


Contact your House Representative (click the link to get contact information)

1)  Ask them to oppose Section 4.02, subsection a-3, of House Resolution 3 (regarding the attorney appointment).

2) Ask them to support Rep Vasut's amendment to strike Section 5.11 of the House Resolution 3, and then support Rep Vasut's subsequent rule change to ban democrat chairs.  Click the link above to get contact information.

It takes lots and lots of people pushing these messages at the same time to be effective!  Please take a couple minutes to complete these 2 important action items.  We build the TTP army for just such a time as this, but we must act quickly!

If you have questions or need help with any of this, just reply to this email.  I'm here to help!

Thanks for staying engaged!

Fran Rhodes, President


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