From Aru, Sunrise <[email protected]>
Subject This isn’t just another email about Trump; it's about you and me
Date January 20, 2025 11:55 PM
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Hey John, it’s Aru with Sunrise Movement.

Sunrise Movement launched in 2017 — a group of teens and twenty-somethings who were increasingly nervous about the climate crisis — in response to the first Trump presidency. We saw Trump for who he was (and is!): a greedy man who cares only about himself and the other billionaires willing to bankroll his desire for power.

But we also knew a secret about politics that Democrats have struggled with over the last 3 elections: it isn’t enough to say what you oppose. You have to have a vision of the future that people can see themselves in.

That’s why in 2019, we launched our plan for a Green New Deal with Rep. Ocasio Cortez, a vision that’s guided us since.

As the second Trump presidency begins, we’re still here. But we aren’t the same movement. We’re still teens and twenty-somethings increasingly nervous about the climate crisis. But there are a lot more of us now. Over the last 8 years, we’ve faced those nerves, moved millions of everyday people, and landed some huge wins.

Tonight, we're holding a mass call with members around the country to plan how we will take action. We're making a plan to disrupt the Trump administration and expose the corruption of politicians like him who have sold out to Big Oil.

Will you become a sustaining member today, to help us take on the billionaires and politicians who think they can burn our futures for profit? Your support will help us make sure the American people see Donald Trump's climate agenda for what it is: handouts to billionaires at our expense. [[link removed]]
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As I think about everything we need to do to win, this photo from Inauguration struck me. It’s some of the richest men on earth in front, and then Trump’s cabinet in the back. It tells you all you need to know about Trump, and it’s everything wrong with American politics. His policy is: handouts and subsidies for billionaires and corporations, thoughts and prayers for everybody else.

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We can’t know the future, and right now there’s a lot to be uncertain about. But on this MLK Day, I am inspired by his words: “faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.”

In the weeks since the Los Angeles fires, a lot of young people have taken the first step towards a better future, and together, we’re finding more of the staircase, step by step.

Become a sustaining member of our movement and help us get through the next four years. [[link removed]]
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From coast to coast, more and more people are connecting the dots between the disasters we face in our lives — from climate to housing to the economy. They are understanding that in nearly every case, it is the billionaires who have bought out our media and government that are stopping us from building the better future we all deserve.

Around the country, young people continue to take steps to organize and grow our movement.

* In Los Angeles, young people protested a Phillips 66 oil facility for 72 hours, standing up to the fossil fuel industry after historic wildfires.
* In Washington D.C, young people’s disruption of Trump’s Energy Secretary nominee Chris Wright made it into every media story about his hearing and put his and Trump’s corporate corruption on full display
* In cities and towns across the US, Sunrisers are organizing and winning change from the ground up.

Together, we can take back control of the narrative, win local change, and resist Trump’s despicable agenda.

Donate $5 [[link removed]]

Together in movement,


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