Friend, just a few months into the COVID-19 pandemic, more children are out of school now than ever before in history.
From the United States to Malawi to Burundi, school closures have impacted more than 91 percent of students worldwide — that's around 1.6 billion children and young people.
But learning doesn't stop in a pandemic. Every child has the right to an education, so UNICEF is working with partners to keep students learning wherever they are — in refugee camps, at home, online and offline. Take a look at what remote learning looks like for children around the world:
Friend, seeing these photos makes one thing clear: Kids want to keep learning. No matter where you live, you want the same things for your children that every parent wants: health and safety, learning and growth. UNICEF is working hard to bring these things to the most vulnerable children — and you can help. Support our work >>
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