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Today — Inauguration Day and Martin Luther King Jr. Day — Donald Trump was sworn in as president of the U.S. for the second time. While giving his speech after taking the presidential oath in Washington, D.C., Trump evoked the Pittsburgh region by recalling this past summer's assassination attempt in Butler.

“I believe I was saved for a reason,” he mused.

Here in Pittsburgh — from Shaler to East Liberty to Oakland to Downtown — locals met the day with mixed emotions and reactions. Supporters watched the televised ceremony with glee. Detractors met in the bitter cold to protest. Others gathered to honor the civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr.

PublicSource dispatched reporters throughout the region to gather perspectives on how Pittsburghers grappled with this historic day.

Read more. ⬇️

As Trump takes office on MLK Day, ‘we did it’ meets ‘we must fight back’

From Shaler to East Liberty to Oakland to Downtown, Pittsburghers took stock of a civil rights holiday, a pugnacious inauguration and the road ahead.



Four ways Trump could bring changes for Pittsburgh residents


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