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Friend --
I hope you had a restful Memorial Day
weekend. Sometimes I feel like it’s hard enough to distinguish a
weekend from a weekday, but a holiday almost seems hard to recognize.
But Memorial Day is incredibly important to ensure we remember the
sacrifice and selflessness of men and women across our country and
right here at home. Of course, with powerful reminders like the New York Times front page this weekend, it’s not
hard to see the parallels of loss and sacrifice happening right here
and now as well.
Faced with these steep losses, and
what feels like an endless drumbeat of bad news, I wanted to ask if
you’d share a story of hope or resilience in these difficult times. I
know much of what’s in these newsletter updates is often sobering or a
painful reminder of loss, but I’d like to start adding a new feature -
a story from one of you about something good that’s happened, a sliver
of hope that you see, or a way a neighbor or family member has been
resilient in the face of adversity. Maybe it’s the high school or
college senior who found a way to have a special graduation, maybe
it’s a neighborhood kid who left inspiring sidewalk messages written
in chalk, or maybe it’s the neighbor who began the phone tree to check
in with folks living alone in the building or on the block. The floor
is yours, and I’ll share these messages with others so that we can all
take comfort in the hope these acts play in our lives.
And before we jump into the updates,
I want to make sure you know today is the last day to request your Vote By Mail
ballot for the June 2nd primary. Ward 6, I’m proud to let you know
that we’re leading all other wards in the number of Vote By Mail
requests - over 12,000! Remember, there will only be 3 voting centers
open in Ward 6 (and 20 around the city) from now through the June 2nd
Election Day. So avoid any lines, any wait, and #VoteSafeDC by getting
your request in today. Seriously folks, do it now. You can request it
through an app on your phone, you can pick that same phone up and call
the Board of Elections, or heck, you can even fax in a form (yes, they
still do that). Click Here for everything you
need to know - but take action today because you won’t be able to
Quick Links: ReOpen DC Recommendations | FY21 Proposed Budget Released | Pushing For More Open Spaces | Summer Announcements | Ward 6 Budget Town Hall | COVID-19 Testing in Southwest | Judiciary & Public Safety Budget
Hearings | How to Vote By Mail | Ward 6 Hits 57.3% in Census | Curbside Retail Pilots Launch | Florida/New York Ave Intersection | Metro Station Closings | More Food
Assistance | Free
Counseling "Warm Line" | | Volunteer With Neighborhood Groups | Diapers Help | Groceries
ReOpen DC
Recommendations Announced On Friday, Mayor Bowser
announced the recommendations made by the ReOpen DC Advisory Group Steering Committee in
support of the city's phased reopening from coronavirus-related
closures. Also announced by the Mayor was specific guidance for
restaurants and retailers on how to plan to reopen -- you can find reopening checklists here. You can view the
specific recommendations by visiting the ReOpen DC page on We expect Mayor Bowser
to share an update on the reopening timeline later today, so stay
Mayor Bowser Releases Budget Proposal While Facing Steep
Revenue Drop Last week, Mayor Bowser released her proposed
FY2021 budget. Not much about the last three months has felt normal
and the budget process is no different. Usually, the budget proposal
is sent to the Council near the end of March and we’d be voting soon
to approve next year’s budget (after the public’s and Council’s review
and changes). But instead, after this crisis has put about a $1.5
billion hole in the District’s fiscal outlook, we gave the Mayor more
time to re-evaluate and re-write the city’s budget accordingly. Almost
overnight, we’ve seen huge drops in revenue to the city and huge
increases in needed expenditures to help those hurting most. Over the
next several weeks, we’ll hold hearings on the budget and expect to
vote this summer. As with any budget, there are things we’ll like, and
things we won’t. There are some people being asked to make sacrifices,
although I’m concerned that’s being done very unevenly - especially
among our frontline workers and those most impacted by this crisis.
I’ll be holding a Ward 6 Budget Town Hall on June 4th (online via
Facebook Live) where I’ll walk through what’s in the budget - with
both a focus on Ward 6 priorities, and issues across the city that we
all care about. Please join me, engage with this important process,
and let me know where you think our tough decisions will be. To be sure, there will be difficult decisions
and cuts to be made. But I also don’t believe we should simply look to
an austerity-style budget to address the shortfall. In the coming
weeks, we’ll have to work together to meet this challenge, especially
to support those that are being hit so hard by the impacts of this
DC Needs To Do More With Our Public Spaces About a
week ago, Councilmembers Mary Cheh, Brianne Nadeau, and I sent a
letter and proposal to Mayor Bowser and the Department of
Transportation pushing on the need to open up more of our public
spaces for residents and the people of our city during this public
health emergency. Everyday, I see children and seniors forced into the
street alongside cars to maintain our physical distance requirements
on sidewalks. We need the city to move faster to identify residential
blocks that could transition to open spaces that allow people to
safely walk, bike, or have the kids ride a scooter. We need to move
faster to identify commercial corridors where crowded sidewalks with
people waiting patiently in line to buy essential goods need more
space. And we need to be thinking and planning now about how we should
use our sidewalk space to add outdoor capacity once we eventually get
to a safe, phased reopening of some of our businesses. I’ve been
encouraged by how many of you have agreed and we’ll keep pushing. You
can read the full letter by clicking here.
Schools Announcements. PLUS... Pools,
Camps, and MBSYEP For parents of school-aged
kids out there, I know there remain a lot of questions. Trust me,
Jordi and I have the same questions you do. But first, to
the 2020 graduating class, plans are underway to celebrate your
accomplishments. I am very proud of you for powering through this
public health emergency. You’ve been asked to sacrifice many of the
traditions the spring of your senior year would hold. All of us know
this isn’t the way your graduation was supposed to go. But I have a
hunch you’re going to be stronger for it and more resilient in the
face of challenges ahead. You’re being called to overcome and lead
through something most will only experience once in a lifetime. I know
you’re up to the task, and your family, neighbors, and community are
proud of you.
In other school news, the big announcement last week was
that the 2020-2021 school year will begin August 31st. What wasn’t
announced was whether that will be in-person, virtually, or a
combination of both. DCPS will also be creating a virtual summer
school to begin on June 22nd for K-8th grade students that need
academic assistance, need to make up class credit, or need assistance
with English language. And, DCPS will be creating an optional two-week
course for rising 3rd, 6th, and 9th grade students in August prior to
the academic year starting. Stay tuned for more details and specifics
on these initial decisions in the weeks to come.
In summer camp news, the Mayor announced that the Department of
Parks and Recreation will not offer in-person camp to begin the summer
(and likely for all of summer). DPR will offer a “Camp-at-Home” at no
cost for District families including a range of activities. And,
the Marion Barry Summer Youth Employment Program is going
virtual! MBSYEP will work to place young people doing work
such as literacy support for young learners, tech/IT, and occupational
skills training. Organizations that would like to partner with the
Marion Barry Summer Youth Employment Program can go to
FY21 Ward 6 Budget
Town Hall: Rescheduled for Thursday, June 4, 7:30pm Our
annual Ward 6 Budget Town Hall has been rescheduled for
Thursday, June 4, at 7:30pm. Due to the public health emergency,
we won't be able to gather in person so we'll be broadcasting on
Facebook Live instead. Before the Council votes on the budget, I'll
walk you through what's in the Mayor's proposed budget for Ward 6,
where I'm focused in the budget debate, and what comes next in budget
decisions. The Town Hall is also a great opportunity to ask your
budget questions and share your own priorities before the votes are
cast. If you're not able to log on that night but want to share your
priorities or questions, you
can leave budget feedback here for me and my
COVID-19 Testing in Southwest on Tuesday In response to
concerns about potential community spread of the virus, DC Department
of Health will be in Southwest on Tuesday at the King-Greenleaf
Recreation Center (between the tennis courts and Greenleaf Senior)
from 10am to 2pm to provide free COVID-19 testing. No appointments are
needed -- free walk-up testing is available to anyone 18 years or
older, with priority access for seniors. Bring your ID and contact
information for an emergency contact.
Committee on the Judiciary
& Public Safety Hearings Due to COVID-19, this year’s
Council budget oversight hearings will be conducted virtually on Zoom
and livestreamed
on the Council’s website. The full schedule of Council hearings on
the Fiscal Year 2021 proposed budget can be found here.
The Committee’s two budget hearings will be held on June 1 and June
9. For a full list of the Committee's agencies, click here.
And due to the changes in this year's budget process that mean we
can't gather in person, we're also expanding the many ways you can
provide public testimony on the budget. Send us a video! Leave us a
voicemail! Submit questions for our hearings! Find all the details
here: To
watch last week's Virtual Town Hall on the budget, click here.
is the Deadline To Request Mail-In Ballots. Have you Requested
Yours? The District has a Presidential and Local Primary
Election coming up on June 2. We've dramatically shifted how DC
residents can still vote. Over 73,000 voters have already
requested their ballot by mail. Have you? You can request a
mail-in ballot and vote from your couch!
You can still request a mail-in ballot, but the DEADLINE TO
REQUEST A MAIL-IN BALLOT is this TUESDAY, MAY 26! If you submit your
request by mail, your application must be post-marked on May 26, 2020.
(NOTE: this applies to your ballot request, you do NOT have
to return your mail-in ballot by May 26)
There have been a few glitches that
the Board of Elections is working to fix, but I'll flag them here so
you know:
- Most people are not receiving an
email confirmation after requesting an absentee ballot. Your request
has still been received. I recommend taking a screenshot of the
confirmation page that does pop up after submitting your
- The Vote 4 DC App works much better
on iPhones than Android phones. Unfortunately, I don't think that's
something that will be fixed in time for this Primary
- The Track My Ballot feature
generally works, but it often takes a week or longer before it is
updated with new requests.
- The Board of Elections has
repeatedly assured residents their applications are being
- Did I mention that ballots are being
mailed out? You could be voting soon from your kitchen
- You must be a registered voter to
receive a mail-in ballot. Here's where you can register:
- If you have an issue, there are a
few ways to engage BOE. On Twitter, tag @Vote4DC.
Over phone, you can call 202-741-5283. Over email, send a note to [email protected]. Of
course, let me and my team know if you're having issues.
Ward 6 Is Now at 57.3% Census
Response (but our goal this week was 58%!): This is good
news, but we need everyone to participate. Ward 6 still has four
census tracts under 51%, so take a minute to respond if you haven't
already and make sure you're counted. Here's
how you can fill out the Census -- it's quick, easy, important,
and you can do it from home.
Pilot Program Launches to Bring Curbside Retail to
Some Ward 6 Local Businesses Last week the city
announced a limited pilot program to let some local retail shops begin
curbside, no-contact pick-ups. Businesses had to apply and several in
Ward 6 were approved. The businesses are part of a pilot program to
test out how phased reopening might occur and ensure safe pick-up of
pre-ordered items by customers. I know each of these are beloved small
businesses in our community - and you’ve probably been trying to find
ways to support them already. So here’s one more way! Each store will
have details on how they’ll work out customer pick-ups, so you’ll need
to contact these shops directly. You can check out more details and
get the full listing of approved businesses by clicking here.
Participating Ward 6 businesses include:
Capitol Hill Books, 657 C Street SE,
East City Bookshop, 645 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE,
Fairy Godmother Child Books and Toys, 319 7th Street,
SE, (202) 420-8276
Groovy DC, 321 7th Street, SE,
Labyrinth Games & Puzzles, 645 Pennsylvania Ave
Marie's Beauty Supply, LLC 1012 H Street NE,
Politics and Prose, 70 District Square SW,
Solid States Books, 600 H Street NE,
Wilson-Epes Printing Co Inc., 775 H Street, NE,
Send In Your Input on Public Spaces at
the Florida/New York Ave.
Intersection Please share your
feedback on the three new public spaces that will be created as part
of the Florida and New York Avenue NE Intersection
Project, also known as "Dave Thomas Circle." In partnership with
the District Department of Transportation (DDOT), the NoMa Parks
Foundation (NPF) is working with the community to develop designs for
three new open spaces totaling approximately 25,000 square feet. DDOT
and NPF hosted a virtual community meeting on May 18 via Zoom webinar,
which was attended by more than 120 households. Missed the meeting?
You can still see the presentations and provide your feedback
via a survey through next Wednesday, May 27. Please watch the
videos, then take the survey. The captioned videos represent
four sections of the presentation: Introduction, DDOT Presentation,
Concept A, and Concept B. Note: This feedback opportunity focuses
solely on the new public spaces, not the traffic patterns or cycling
infrastructure (feedback on those may be made directly to DDOT.)
Metro To Close Stations For
Repairs With the public health emergency significantly
impacting ridership on Metrobus and Metrorail, WMATA plans to make the
most of the historically low ridership to complete capital projects at
several Metrorail stations. During the months of June and July, they
are planning to perform work at some stations in Ward 6, with short
localized shutdowns to execute capital work around the clock. Shuttle
buses will be provided across the closure areas.
June 14-20 | Stations closed: Waterfront and Navy
June 21-27 | Stations closed: Mt.Vernon Square, Gallery Place
(lower level) and Archives
June 28-July 11 | Stations closed: Georgia Avenue-Petworth and
Columbia Heights
Need Help Affording Food? Here Are New Ways To Get
Help To support social distancing and give vulnerable
residents more ways to shop from home, DC Supplemental Nutrition
Assistance Program (SNAP) recipients can now order groceries online
using their EBT card. Families can visit Amazon, Amazon Fresh, and Amazon Pantry to
order. To apply for SNAP benefits, visit
If you're new to the program, my staff is glad to help you out.
Does your child normally receive free or reduced-price school
meals? Pandemic EBT (P-EBT) will provide food benefits on an
Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card to help out. If you currently
receive SNAP or TANF, P-EBT benefits will be automatically loaded onto
your existing EBT card. If you're not already on SNAP or TANF, you
will automatically receive an EBT card in the mail. More
information is available here.
Feeling Stressed, Anxious, And Need to Talk? Talk
with a clinician anytime in DC by calling 1-888-7WE-HELP
(1-888-793-4397). It's hard right now. Even if you're staying in and
working, it's hard. If you've lost a loved one or a friend or a job,
it's hard. Talking it out helps. Here's information on how you can
reach someone. This is a free service, considered a "warm line,"
meaning it's available just to help with stuff that might not rise to
the level of an emergency, but it's certainly bothering you. It's okay
to call and talk with someone who can offer a sympathetic ear and
sound advice.
COVID-19 Resources in Ward 6: My staff and
I are keeping a running list of resources available for Ward 6
residents on my website. That includes information on free daily meals
for students and senior residents, free groceries and diapers, how to
volunteer, how to get tested if you are symptomatic, and more. If
there's something you'd like to see added or corrected, reach out to
Erik Salmi on my team ([email protected]):
Here's Who To Support Financially or By
Volunteering: I know many folks are looking for ways to be
helpful during these hard times. If you find yourself with a lot of
time and you are healthy and able to volunteer, these are groups that
can put you to work. I cannot emphasize enough, however, that if you
are not feeling well at all, please do not volunteer. And if you are
fortunate enough to be in a position to make donations, these are
organizations helping put food on the table and meet other needs for
your neighbors right here in Ward 6 and across the District:
Church DC (via Ward 6 neighbors): Started by Ward 6
neighbor Allison McGill, this is a great effort pairing volunteers
with residents who need help with a range of needs, including just
someone to run to the store for them.
6 Mutual Aid Network: Started by Ward 6 neighbor Maurice
Cook and Serve Your City, this is a group collecting and
redistributing food and other essential items for neighbors.
Central Kitchen: Chef José Andres' nonprofit kitchen has
set up shop at Nationals Park and has been serving up hundreds of
meals to Ward 6 seniors. If you can chip in to keep their work going,
know it is helping your neighbors.
Medical Reserve Corps: Organized by the DC Government,
here's a way to help out as our medical response scales up.
DC Public Schools: In need of volunteers
to help keep running their many meal sites for kids in DC during
school closures! Please fill out the linked survey.
Capital Area Food Bank: In
critical need of volunteers to help sort and pack food in their
warehouse and assist at their offsite food distributions
Food and Friends DC: In urgent
need of extra volunteers throughout the coming weeks. There are two
volunteer opportunities, food preparation and packaging and meal and
grocery delivery
Food Rescue US: Volunteers with
vehicles needed to pick up and deliver food from businesses to DC
residents in need
Grace’s Table: Looking for
volunteers to help feed the homeless each Saturday
Martha’s Table: Volunteers needed
to help prepare and bag food for their emergency food sites across the
We Are Family: Volunteer to
deliver groceries to seniors.
Food for All DC: Volunteer to drive
groceries to seniors, immunocompromised, and other DC neighbors who
are homebound. Volunteer here.
Aunt Bertha: Aunt Bertha’s network
connects people seeking help and verified social care providers that
serve them by zip code. Contact your local shelter to see what help
and/or items may be needed
Free diapers:
Free groceries for residents:
Ten DC School Sites Distributing Free Groceries Each Week:
I mentioned this above, but sharing here as well. Ten DCPS
meal locations are now distributing groceries as well as student
meals. Every Monday is Eastern High School's day to distribute in
Martha's Table: Daily grocery distribution at 2nd and
H Street, from 5:15-5:45 pm. Donate here to support their work:
Capital Area Food Bank: Behind many good nonprofits
is the CAFB, supplying many groceries from bulk purchasing to food
pantries across the region. Help them today:
Father McKenna Center Grocery Pantry Now Open: One of
the programs partnering with the Capital Area Food Bank is the Father
McKenna Center at 900 North Capitol St., NW. Information
on how to support or receive groceries here.
H Street Food Drive for Ward 5-6 Neighbors:
Contactless food/groceries available for neighbors who need some extra
assistance. They also offer contactless food delivery for anyone in
the area that needs it, especially elderly, single parents, those with
special needs. Drop off or Send Non-Perishable Food Deliveries To: @maketto1351 |
Attention: H ST. NE FOOD DRIVE | 1351 H ST. NE, Washington, D.C.
20002. Send all monetary donations To: PayPal:
| Venmo: @ChrisCardi
Pick up at Maketto: 1351 H Street, NE
Monday – Saturday:
7:30am – 9:30pm Sunday: 7:30am -5pm
- If in need of delivery assistance text 202-681-3532
Important Dates:
Charles Allen
