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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Monday 26 May


In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.


Secularism in the media


Church of England weighs up cull of bishops

The Church of England is to begin a rethink of its role which is expected to lead to a "massive shrinkage" in the number of dioceses and parish churches that it runs — and could mean that it had dozens fewer bishops.

The Times


Corporal punishment being used in Orthodox Jewish schools, inquiry hears

Amanda Speilman, Ofsted chief inspector, said of an educational pamphlet: "Much of it comes off as a manifesto for corporal punishment."

The Telegraph


Hundreds cram into football stand for ‘outdoor religious ceremony’ in lockdown

Hundreds of people crammed into a football stand in Jubilee Park in Enfield, London, flouting lockdown rules that state people should still be keeping two metres apart.



Churches must be allowed to reopen, MPs demand in letter to PM

Boris Johnson has been urged by a group of Conservative MPs to allow churches to open for prayer, weddings and funerals as soon as June.

The Telegraph


C of E may refuse to work with government, says bishop after PM defends Cummings

Church of England bishops have fired a volley of criticism at Boris Johnson over his defence of actions taken by his chief aide, Dominic Cummings.

The Guardian


Prince William calls on people to embrace 'Christian teachings of faith, hope and love' in online service

Prince William has recorded a mental health-focused message for an online Church of England service.



New laws propose ban on pregnant women aborting babies with minor disabilities

Pregnant women will be banned from aborting babies with minor disabilities under proposed new laws.

The Sun


Mother of Manchester Arena bombing victim says 'terrorism has not gone away'

The mother of a victim of the Manchester Arena attack says that terrorism has not gone away and teachers must look out for signs of radicalisation.

The Telegraph


Man jailed for three years for ‘barbaric’ circumcision without anaesthetic

A 55-year-old man has been jailed for three years for carrying out a "barbaric" circumcision without anaesthetic on a 10-month-old boy.

The Irish Times


'Marriage equality did not end rampant homophobia'

Hostile attitudes and behaviour still make the lives of LGBT+ youths a misery, says Mary McAleese.

The Irish Times


The latest from the NSS


Scotland says it wants to clamp down on hate. But its charity law helps to promote it

The Scottish government has published a bill that threatens to outlaw the expression of hateful ideas. But meanwhile religious groups who promote harmful ideology enjoy charitable status, says Megan Manson.


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