Three Years after the Supreme Court’s Last Abortion Case
(National Review) No county, state, or federal agency in the U.S. collects comprehensive data on abortion or abortion complications. Unlike the normal physician–patient relationship in America, the standard procedure for abortion clinics is to tell patients who suffer complications, “Don’t come back here. Go to the nearest emergency room.” That practice enables clinics to avoid seeing or reporting their own mistakes. An emergency-room doctor often can’t confidently tell the difference between a heavy period, hemorrhaging, a spontaneous miscarriage, and an abortion. That means the emergency-room doctor can’t accurately record the correct code for the procedure, and it often won’t be accurately recorded as a public-health matter. Through filters such as these, abortion complications are weeded out of the American public-health system, and the problems in abortion clinics are thoroughly obscured. The primary if not exclusive responsibility for these problems lies with the justices.
New Study Shows Potentially Dangerous Effects of Abortion Drugs
(Washington Free Beacon) A team of behavioral neuroscientists at the Franciscan University of Steubenville released the findings of a three-year study that found biological, physiological, and behavioral changes among rats who received mifepristone and misoprostol. The study found decreases in the appetite, exploratory movement, and self-care of lab rats which ingested the abortion drugs.
When Your Pregnancy Is Political: A conversation with the anti-abortion activist Lila Rose about politicizing one of the defining moments of her life
(The Atlantic) “Abortion is not a medical treatment. It doesn’t make a baby healthier, it doesn’t make a woman healthier. It just kills. If my child were to face a life-threatening diagnosis or some sort of disability, my child deserves just as much love from me and my husband. And I hope that our society can be one of compassion and love and advocacy, as opposed to believing it would be better that you died, which is, unfortunately, the way a lot of our health-care system is set up right now for babies before birth.”
New Gallup Poll Shows Pro-Life Progress
(National Review) [I]t is entirely possible that aggressive efforts by Democrats to make abortion policy more permissive in states such as New York, Vermont, and Illinois actually might have resulted in gains in pro-life sentiment.
The United States is Special Because No Other Country Guarantees the Right to Life
(Life News) As we celebrate the birthday of this wonderful nation, let us remember the more than 60 million human beings who have been denied Life. These little ones had no birth-day, were not able to experience Liberty or pursue Happiness. And let’s recommit ourselves to making sure our leaders and elected officials remember and honor the words that set us apart from every other country on earth.