Dear John,
Today, our nation witnesses both the beginning of Donald Trump’s new presidential term and the enduring legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The convergence of these events reminds us of the importance of carrying on Dr. King’s legacy of equality, justice and resistance to overcome historical injustices that continue to harm us today.
As the push for civil rights continues, we know that the strength of our democracy lies in the power of our collective voice and action.
Dr. King once said, “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” His words encourage us to remain steadfast in defending civil rights, embracing inclusivity, promoting transparent and responsible leadership, and recommit to the ideals that unite us: justice, equality, and dignity for all. These values are not just aspirations; they are a call to action—especially in times of uncertainty.
As we embark on a new chapter in U.S history, we invite you to join our mission and our movement to:
Combat Islamophobia and protect the civil liberties of Muslim Americans and Muslims abroad.
- Advocate for policies that advance social justice and equity for all.
- Empower Muslim communities through civic engagement.
To support the work we do, please consider donating below.