Today’s word of the day: juxtaposition. Today’s celebration of the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. stands in stark contrast to Trump’s second inauguration.
As we prepare for the inauguration, many of us feel disheartened and angry, but I think it’s important to listen to the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.: "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."
We are certainly in a time of challenge and controversy as we begin a second Trump presidency. Still, I believe it’s important to reflect and take in Dr. King’s words to inspire our work and come together.
The next four years will be a challenge, but when we come together and work to elect Democrats, we will continue down the path toward progress and move this country forward.
Today, on the day that we honor Dr. King’s life and legacy, we can recommit our shared promise to overcome the difficulties and frustrations of our work to make a better, more just, and fair America for us all.
Lavora Barnes
MDP Chair