John, Donald Trump has announced that one of his first official acts as President will be to target cities across the country with large-scale immigration raids against thousands of our neighbors – as early as tomorrow afternoon.
This mass deportation campaign is meant to break up families, violate people's civil rights, and terrorize entire communities out of taking part in civic life. And, when naturalized citizens and other new Americans are too afraid to call the police when they witness a crime or call the fire department when they see a fire, we all lose.
Immigrants have made this country the longest-lasting and most successful democracy in the history of the world. But by sending American immigrants into hiding, the Trump administration wants to deny us all the multi-racial democracy and safe neighborhoods we deserve. We won’t let that happen.
But, it is going to take each of us doing our part. And, the first thing you can do is to join me in taking this Solidarity Pledge organized by our immigrant rights partners.
Together, we must counter Trump’s anti-immigrant attacks by showing up for our neighbors to create welcoming and loving communities. Will you pledge to do that today?
On this eve of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, I hope you’ll join me in defending his vision of the beloved community where all people’s civil rights are not just protected but celebrated.
Thanks for all you do,
Virginia Kase Solomón, President & CEO
and the team at Common Cause
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