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Equity in Practice, Part 2:
A Closer Look at Risk Management

Is our assessment of risk in the grantmaking process influenced by bias — even unconsciously? We'll be exploring this issue in depth, starting with this piece from Melissa Sines and Kheira Issaoui-Mansouri.

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Streamline Data Collection to Improve Evaluation

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Weekly Reads

"Most of us take the majority of gatherings for granted. We've relegated the function of the convener into a logistical job. When you realize that gathering is a form of strategy, and is a form of culture change, then you also realize that we often start with the wrong questions, which are the logistical questions."  [more]
—Priya Parker, in The Chronicle of Philanthropy

“In grantmaking, as in life, we learn best when we engage with others who have different points of view and challenge our preconceptions.”  [more]
—Johnson Center 

“Part of the unintentional ‘othering’ of our grantees comes from the fact that many folks who work in philanthropy have never experienced the problems that we fund, nor have they been a part of the solution. Hiring folks who have worked on the ground, like myself, is a start. Valuing the knowledge of grantees beyond impact and results is even better.”  [more]
—Nupur Chaudhury, New York State Health Foundation, on NCRP blog

“As gender equity continues to grow as a social and philanthropic priority, donors to women’s funds and foundations exemplify how to have an outsized effect on the causes you care about.”  [more]
—All In for Women and Girls Report, IUPUI

“The world is complex, measuring charity has to be too ... We risk oversimplifying problems and thus having the false sense of clarity that quantitative metrics tend to create.”  [more]
—Joi Ito, MIT Media Lab, in Wired
PEAK Grantmaking
1666 K St NW Ste 440
Washington, DC 20006-1242

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