Donald Trump’s threat of “Shock and Awe” must be a wake-up call to all who care about Democracy! ()
There is a tough fight ahead as we come together to work against extreme rhetoric and the implementation of Project 2025. Project 2025 will expand Presidential Power andimpose an ultra-conservative future vision! Project 2025 threatens our working class, education, immigrant rights, social security, medicare, and universal health care and cannot ignored. Attacks on Women’s Rights and reproductive care cannot be tolerated, and it is incumbent upon us to protect our LGBTQ+ and trans families and friends.
As we watched the services for President Jimmy Carter, a brilliant, caring man who
dedicated his lifetime to helping others, we were inspired to work in his image to help others.
We hope you will help us make Democratic voices heard! Volunteer, get involved, and contribute $20.25 to the Fresno County Democratic Party. Together, we will make a difference!
DONATE HERE! ([link removed])
During the last year, 100 volunteers in Fresno County stepped up to elect Democratic
candidates. Most of those races were successful, and together, we will be stronger in our efforts to protect Democratic values.
Continue to look for our emails as we will be sending out information on how you can
get involved and volunteer opportunities.
Do not be silent in 2025; be prepared to speak up and resist the chaos and craziness
we can expect!
DONATE HERE! ([link removed])
Ruben Zarate, Chair
Fresno County Democratic Party
Make Checks Payable to:
Fresno County Democratic Central Committee
PO Box 5795, Fresno, CA 93755
FPPC ID: #743910
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Fresno County Democratic Party . 1033 U Street . Fresno, CA 93721 . USA
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