How Indigenous communities are leading efforts to build immunity in the face of COVID-19  | View in browser.

Building Immunity in Community

Dear John,

Great news! Last week, Amnesty supporters like you acted in solidarity with Indigenous communities in northern Manitoba who, in order to ensure the safety of their communities during the COVID-19 pandemic, were calling on Manitoba Hydro to comply with their demand to restrict access to the Keeyask dam project.

Yesterday, Manitoba Hydro and the First Nation partners in the Keeyask project agreed to work together to protect people living in the area from COVID-19 as part of any plans to expand operations at the dam site. 

These communities are not alone. As COVID-19 restrictions begin to relax in some parts of Canada, the virus is just beginning to reach and impact more remote and Indigenous communities.  

This week, Amnesty International is launching the “Building Immunity in Community” project, featuring different Indigenous communities, their worries, and the solutions they have developed in the face of COVID-19.  

Indigenous communities have been working to ensure the safety of their members, facing different threats and challenges, and developing effective solutions based on the needs of the people and the resources at hand. 

We invite you to take some time with these stories: explore the interactive map, watch the short videos, read the histories and background information, and hear directly from people who know their needs and communities best.  


You can also find opportunities to advocate for Indigenous rights to ensure that everyone gets the help they need during the pandemic. 

Visit the “Building Immunity in Community” map to learn more about the communities and get started >>



Miigwech miinwaa weweni (thank you and take care),  

Ana Collins 
Indigenous Rights Advisor 
Amnesty International Canada 

P.S. No two communities are the same. Culture, governance, location, and history all shape how an Indigenous community experiences this pandemic, but there are some shared concerns as well as solutions. Visit the "Building Immunity in Community" project to hear directly from the communities and act in solidarity.



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 Amnesty International Canadian Section (English Speaking)
312 Laurier Avenue East, Ottawa, ON, K1N 1H9  1-800-AMNESTY (266-3789)
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