
Tomorrow! Saturday! Join us for the inaugural meeting of DSA-LA's Bernie Sanders 2020 Working Group!

Our chapter voted overwhelmingly to create this group focused on helping elect Bernie Sanders for president and using that larger effort as a vehicle to advance the other urgent issues we are focused on.

We'll be discussing campaign topics, big and small. There are also many roles within the working group that we need to fill, so if you're interested, please join!

And if you'd like to brush up on the proposal that established the working group, you can do so?HERE.

Hope to see you there!

Saturday, August 17, 2019, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA)?

3303 Wilshire Blvd 815?

Los Angeles, CA 90010?







Democratic Socialists of America - Los Angeles ? 3573 W 3rd St, 210, Los Angeles, CA 90004, United States
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