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Hello, True Texans!
If you've been in politics long enough and have accomplished anything, you've been the target of hate mail. I know many of you can relate. Well, I get plenty, and most of the time I blow it off, but this week I've received way more than my fair share! So let me just vent a sec...
Wait... what??? No, of course I'm not going to vent. What a waste of time. When I get hate mail, I just share them with my husband, and he always manages to make me laugh away my anger and disgust. The TTP staff is good for that too. Plus, when you get as many as I do, after awhile they lose impact.
Yes, politics is a beating. Every day we get beat up. And it's not always from the Left; it's people supposedly on our own side. You have probably experienced it yourself, so you know what I'm talking about. Family disowns us. Friends turn against us. Church people avoid us. Co-workers don't like us.
But here's the really cool part. You are never alone. We have a True Texas army that is fighting right alongside you, even when you don't see us there. We are praying for you regularly, even if you're not a Believer. We work with you in mind, even on issues you don't know about. We are... well... true to you at True Texas Project.
I know the battle gets wearying. I know the darts can hurt. I know what it's like to lose relationships. I know sometimes the work we do seems hopeless. Our numbers seem too small and the battles look so big. If I feel it, I know you feel it too. I want to be one to encourage you. Better yet, I want True Texas Project to be an encouragement to you.
You know what? You can scroll through the internet and get great content to watch online about all the things you need to know. You don't have to leave your house, drive across town, and then come home again in the dark. But get to a TTP meeting anyway. Be encouraged by the other patriots there. Better yet, encourage the patriots there yourself. We need community. We need each other. Just like our tshirts say...
Iron Sharpens Iron
All of our monthly meetings happen in the 2nd and 3rd weeks of the month, which means this week is your last chance for January. However, several of our TTP@Home groups meet the 1st and 4th weeks. Wherever you are, find a TTP location near you and get involved!
Capitol Engagement
Remember, we're at the Capitol every Tuesday! We've got True Texan Day on March 3; and we're doing a Kids' Day on Mar 25. Plus, click the bars below to sign up for our monthly bus trips to Austin from various locations (thanks to Texas Gun Rights!). If you have any plans to join us, email [email protected]. If you take a carpool, we'll pay for the gas!
Our onlinecalendar is always kept up to date with upcoming meetings and events. Check out the upcoming week of events - socials, meetings, and @home groups coming up!
Friday, January 31st Denton / Collin Happy Hour & Game Night!
Monthly TTP@Home groups...
TTP@Home North Richland Hills meets on Monday 1/20 - NEW! TTP@Home Lubbock meets on Monday 1/20 - NEW! TTP@Home Burleson meets on Tuesday 1/21 TTP@Home Ennis meets on Monday 1/27 TTP@Home Florence meets on Tuesday 1/28 TTP@Home Denison meets on Saturday 2/1 TTP@Home Weatherford meets on Monday 2/3 TTP@Home Cross Plains meets on Saturday 2/8
Clickhere for more information about our TTP@Home groups. These groups are spreading like wildfire! Let us know if you want to start one in your area by replying to this email.
Monthly TTP podcasts
Our TTP@Home podcast is offered on the 1st Friday of every month specifically for those who cannot get to an in-person meeting, but of course it's great content for all activists. Check out the January episode...or any others you may have missed!
True Texas Project works hard to train and engage activists. Can you help? We are 100% donation-based. Click here to donate to our movement. TrueTexasProject.com NOTE: TTP does NOT pay a fee to WinRed for using their donation site. We only pay a processing fee to the credit card company (and you have the option to cover it).
To update your profile with a new email address, satellite location, or other details, or to adjust your recurring donations, please click here. BONUS TIP: remove the "unsubscribe" line at the bottom of your email before you forward it! Otherwise the recipient may unsubscribe YOU!
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