Dear John,
Have you heard the news? President Biden declared that the Equal Rights Amendment has cleared all necessary hurdles to be formally added as the 28th Amendment.
Equality is the law of the land—and it’s long overdue. But this law isn’t quite settled yet—that’s up to us!
NOW has been fighting for the ERA since our beginnings—we were the first national group to adopt a resolution of support for the ERA at NOW’s Second Annual Conference in 1967!
Thanks to you, we’ve arrived at this historic moment—affirmation from the President of the United States that the ERA is law. But the challenges to the ERA aren’t finished.
We need your help to keep fighting. Your support for NOW today with a special contribution will help us carry the ERA over the finish line.
Generations of women have endured a system that pays them less, values them less, respects them less and treats them as second-class citizens.
This weekend, women are preparing for the opening of a full-fledged attack on our rights from the highest offices of government, and a President who enables misogyny and discrimination based on gender. We need full constitutional protection, before more of our rights are erased.
As long as there are men in power who keep women down, we need an explicit guarantee of equality in the Constitution. Nothing else will do. Please support NOW today with a special contribution.
We need the ERA—and we need it NOW!