
On this Memorial Day, I remember my two grandfathers and all the heroes who fought for our country with pride.

My grandfather, Leo Graybill, Jr., served as a naval radar operator in WWII — a job that gave him great pride, but also left him with a lifelong disability. 

And my grandfather, Robert Grant Crist, served in the Pacific Theater with General MacArthur.

Veterans and their families have made great sacrifices for our country. I’m deeply grateful for the sacrifice of all our country’s veterans. We must stand up for them and defend their rights everyday.


About Raph: Raph Graybill is Chief Legal Counsel to Governor Steve Bullock. A fifth-generation Montanan from Great Falls, Graybill won a Rhodes Scholarship and graduated from Yale Law School. Graybill beat the Trump Administration in court over dark money, protected our public lands from out-of-state developers, and defended Montana's public schools.

The non-partisan
 Cook Political Report rates Graybill as the top Democratic candidate to win back the Attorney General's office this fall.

Paid for by Friends of Raph Graybill, PO Box 2728, Great Falls, MT 59403. Democrat.

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