From Sean Casten <[email protected]>
Subject The pendulum always swings back.
Date January 17, 2025 10:20 PM
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Endless ink has been spilled trying to explain MAGA’s appeal, and I have plenty of theories myself. And while I don’t think Donald Trump is some kind of tactical genius, there’s no denying that right now, his side is winning the culture war.

MAGA legislators are passing sweeping restrictions on everything Americans believe, read (classics like The Catcher in the Rye are banned from MAGA safe spaces), watch, do, and say (“Don’t say gay”).

They’re installing no-exceptions abortion bans that are needlessly cutting women’s lives short and devastating families across the country.

They’re attacking the very institution of public education and using our tax dollars to fund religious private schools.

They’re targeting businesses that don’t comply with MAGA doctrine (Mickey Mouse: 1, Desantis: 0).

No-fault divorce, IVF, birth control, and medical privacy are next on the chopping block.

What they've forgotten, however, is that even the most powerful political movements eventually learn a lesson: Nothing lasts forever.

Is this MAGA’s Golden Age? I don’t know. But I do know that even the shiniest of golden ages eventually lose their luster. A new generation grows up and rejects the values of the one before. New grievances arise and old ones are forgotten.

Man-made laws apparently don’t apply to Donald Trump and his lapdogs, but even the most shameless SCOTUS in history can’t bend the laws of physics:

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

The pendulum always swings back.

Someday not too far in the future, the pendulum will do as it always does, and Donald Trump and the cruelty he’s unleashed will land in the ash heap of history.

That day is on the horizon, folks, but in the meantime, I implore you not to lose faith in democracy — or in one another.

If you can, pitch in a few bucks to help us navigate Trump’s client Congress. Those of us who actually want to get things done need all the help we can get. [[link removed]]

Chip in $15 [[link removed]]

Sean Casten
Casten for Congress
P.O. Box 132
Downers Grove, IL 60515-0132
United States
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