Hi John,


Every year, New York’s governor delivers the State of the State address. This speech isn’t just a political tradition - it’s a roadmap for the state’s budget and the priorities that will shape the year ahead. The Governor lays out where she thinks New York should invest its resources, which directly impact all of our daily lives.

Unfortunately, Governor Hochul’s State of the State was short on key issues. While she acknowledged the need for greater affordability across the state, her proposal falls short for working families.To make New York a state that works for everyone, we need to:


  1. Fully Fund Our Schools
    This year, the Governor must fully fund education and take steps to revise the Foundation Aid formula to address longstanding funding inequities. 

  2. Invest in Child Care Workers
    It’s encouraging to hear the Governor’s commitment to move New York towards universal child care, but we can’t get there without investing in the workforce. The Governor’s budget needs to include wage increases for child care workers, so families can access affordable, high-quality care and workers are supported and valued. 

  3. Revenue for Working Families
    Governor Hochul has proposed tax cuts and one shots that don’t mean much for most people. New York must raise revenue by taxing its wealthiest, ensuring essential services like public education, child care, affordable housing, libraries, health care, and so much more are available to all.

What happens next? The Governor will release her Executive Budget in the coming weeks, and that’s where these priorities will either be made a reality - or where we’ll see if the Governor is truly committed to supporting working families. Now is the time to take action: send an email to make sure the Governor’s budget reflects the needs of our communities this year.


Let’s make sure the 2025 budget supports a future where all New Yorkers thrive.

In solidarity,

Zakiyah Shaakir-Ansari

Co-Executive Director


Marina Marcou-O'Malley

Co-Executive Director