The Michigan State Police (MSP) is excited to announce the addition of its first battery electric vehicle to be used on patrol. The 2024 Ford Mustang Mach-E is assigned to MSP’s State Security Operations Section to be used by state properties security officers, who are armed, uniformed members of the MSP who specialize in general law enforcement and security services at state-owned and leased facilities in the Lansing area.
Read more about the Mach-E.
Human trafficking, a crime involving the exploitation of someone for the purposes of compelled labor or a commercial sex act using force, fraud or coercion, happens in urban, suburban and rural towns everywhere, including here in Michigan.
In recognition of January being National Human Trafficking Awareness Month, D/Sgt. Les Rochefort discusses the signs and misconceptions of human trafficking in this informational video.
If starting a new, rewarding career is your new year’s resolution, the MSP has opportunities waiting for you.
We’re now hiring for upcoming recruit schools for troopers, motor carrier officers and state properties security officers, as well as various civilian positions.
You can connect with a recruiter to learn more about the hiring process by attending one of our upcoming hiring or baseline fitness testing events. New events are regularly added to our recruiting calendar.
For more information, visit Michigan.gov/MSPJobs.
When Jenny Stoudt, a senior executive management assistant with the MSP, first applied to the department 18 years ago, she was looking for a way to move to the U.P. As she got to know the department, she discovered the MSP culture was a great fit for her. Being part of the MSP is both meaningful and a match for what she wants to do with her life: help those who cannot help themselves.
With the help of friends, Jenny has collected cash, first aid kits, and medical and humanitarian donations to support those in war-torn Ukraine. Over $300,000 worth of donations has been delivered over the course of 10 trips, including one trip Jenny personally made this past fall.
Read more about Jenny’s dedication to helping those in need.
Every year, police officers, firefighters, tow truck drivers and other emergency responders are injured or killed when motorists fail to move over or slow down for them on the road.
Michigan law requires drivers to slow down and move over for stationary emergency vehicles with activated lights. If moving over isn’t possible, you must reduce your speed by at least 10 mph below the posted limit and pass cautiously, giving as much space as possible.
The law applies to these authorized emergency vehicles: • Police • Fire • Rescue • Ambulance • Road service, including tow trucks and safety service vehicles operated by the Michigan Department of Transportation.
By slowing down and moving over, you can help make our roads safer for everyone.
 The MSP Organizational and Development Division is proud to introduce Dewey, a nine-month-old golden retriever who serves as a therapy dog to our members. Dewey will assist department members by providing comfort, emotional support and a calming presence in worksites and challenging situations. Dewey and the Canine Therapy Team offer a wide support of services including hospital visits for injured members, wellness check-ins following critical incidents, representation at conferences and more!