Team – the devastating fires in Los Angeles have upended lives and left countless families and communities in need.
When crises like this happen, it’s a reminder of how important it is for us to come together and support one another. I know how powerful a community can be when it steps up, and right now, LA needs us.
If you'd like to donate resources, support wildlife relief efforts, or give financial support, please visit the City of Los Angeles's website for ways you can help those impacted and the people on the ground doing this life-saving work.
If you or someone you know is looking for assistance and support, please visit the recovery page.
To the firefighters and first responders risking their lives to protect others – I want to say: Thank you for all you do.
Whether you're able to drop off necessary goods, make a monetary donation, volunteer, or simply spread the word, every action counts.
Thank you for always stepping up when it matters most.