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Dear friends,

As the first World Congress against enforced disappearances draws to a close in Geneva, Reporters Without Borders (RSF), also in attendance at this event, calls upon the participating states to prioritise the universal ratification of the International Convention for the protection of all persons from enforced disappearance.

Of the 95 journalists of whom we have no news to date, 43 are victims of enforced disappearance. The same public authorities who should be protecting freedom of the press are, in fact, threatening it. In truth, states are responsible for more than 45% of the disappearances of journalists worldwide. This finding, corroborated by RSF, is alarming.

According to international law, this type of disappearance is characterised by an official authority depriving someone of their liberty, combined with a refusal, either to acknowledge this act, or to reveal the fate or whereabouts of the person concerned.

By participating in this first congress, RSF is proud to commit itself to the universal ratification of the United Nations Convention against enforced disappearances. In doing so, we also commit to investigating and publishing on these cases, and to acting alongside national and international justice systems in order to punish the perpetrators and compensate the victims.

Help us defend those who risk their lives to inform us: every donation strengthens our fight against enforced disappearances.

Antoine Bernard, Director, Advocacy & Assistance
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