From Team Warner <[email protected]>
Subject ABC News: “Virginia is not likely to leave the national spotlight anytime soon”
Date January 16, 2025 4:42 PM
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Folks, did you know that Virginia is one of two states in the entire country that holds statewide elections in the year immediately following a presidential race?

That means the Commonwealth is one of the first tests of the political environment since Trump’s re-election. So far, we’ve scored big wins – protecting our Democratic majority in the General Assembly in last week’s special election – and political observers and pundits have taken notice.

But we’re not leaving the spotlight anytime soon. This is only the beginning of the national attention on VA. Republicans are keeping a close eye on us to see how we respond to their sweeping victory last November. Let’s send them a message.

Help us show the GOP what this grassroots movement is made of by chipping in anything you can towards our $10,000 mid-month fundraising goal before our deadline TONIGHT at midnight >>> [link removed]

Thank you,

Team Warner

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Friends of Mark Warner
1490-5A Quarterpath Road #213
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