Hi Revealer,

This is Al Letson, host of Reveal. This year—2025—marks the 10th anniversary of Reveal becoming a weekly public radio show and podcast. We’re putting together a special episode to celebrate, and we'd love to include voices from listeners like you. 

We want to know: What has Reveal meant to you? How has the show made an impact on your life? What is your favorite episode and why? 

For a chance to hear your voice on the show, before January 22, in two minutes or less:
📲Call (415) 321-1775 and leave a message.
✉️Send your voice memo or an attached .aiff, .wav, or .mp3 file to our email address: [email protected].

Please keep your message short and sweet and make sure to send it to us before January 22.  

Thank you so much for your support. 

Looking forward to the next 10 years,

Al Letson
The Center for Investigative Reporting

Support the next 10 years
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