John --
Good evening and welcome to our Week End Update.
Before I begin discussing my trip to Israel, I want to praise the
efforts of the Philadelphia Police Department for their heroic actions
on Wednesday evening. This was further proof that these brave men and
women put their lives on the line everyday to protect our communities.
Shelley and I extend our heartfelt prayers and appreciation for all of
our law enforcement officers, particularly those that were injured
during the standoff.
This week, I have been honored to participate in a Congressional
trip to Israel as a guest of the American Israel Education Foundation
(AIEF). It has been a great experience – we have toured many
awe-inspiring sites throughout the Holy Land. Jerusalem, Bethlehem,
the City of David, and other parts of Israel have an incredible
history, and I am grateful to the AIEF for letting us see it up
Our Republican delegation, led by House Republican Leader Kevin
McCarthy visited and met with many political and military leaders
including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Pictured below
with Leader McCarthy on a tour of Masada.

Prime Minister Netanyahu is a great friend to the United States and
a very strong leader. During our meeting, I had an opportunity to
speak with him directly on a variety of issues including economic
policy and border security.

We also met with Benny Gantz, leader of the Blue and White Party
and a candidate running against Netanyahu for Prime Minister.
Interestingly enough, both men reference President Donald Trump often
as the President is very popular here. The Blue and White Party of
Benny Gantz even uses the slogan “Israel First.” Both candidates’
messages are very similar as the people of Israel have no appetite for
the type of nonsense being promoted by the socialist left in our
country and the messages being used by the mainstream media. In
Israel, their priorities are clear; border security, competitive free
market economy, free and fair trade, strong military superiority, and
fiscal responsibility. These are the pillars of success for our nation
as well and I am confident we will accomplish these goals in the
United States when Republicans win back the majority in the U.S. House
and re-elect President Trump. We had productive discussions on Israeli
national security and missile defense, trade, economics, and Israel’s
role as a strong ally of the United States.
Our travels included visiting the Mount of Beatitudes, St. Peters
Church, and Capernaum, also known as The Town of Jesus. These were
places documented that Jesus spent time and performed several
miracles. It was by the Sea of Tiberias, or the Sea of Galilee, where
Jesus told the fisherman, who were not catching any fish, "Cast the
net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some." So they
cast it, and now they were not able to haul it in, because of the
quantity of fish. This site is also where Jesus revealed himself after
his resurrection. I am particularly fond of such stories from these
fishing towns as the words hang in my Church, Saint Therese's, “Come
Follow me and I will make you fishers of all people.” Pictured below
are Shelley and I at the Mount of Beatitudes overlooking the Sea of

We visited the Church of Nativity, the place of the birth of Jesus
Christ. The church was originally commissioned by Constantine the
Great a short time after his mother Helena's visit to Jerusalem and
Bethlehem in 325-326, on the site of the birthplace of Jesus. Pictured
below with Congressmen Ross Spano, Ron Estes and Greg Pence; with the
manger of Jesus Christ; and the place of birth of Jesus Christ.

The Holy environment and Judeo-Christian history are so inspiring
and truly breathtaking; it far exceeded both Shelley and my
expectations. While many of our visits and the stories are uplifting,
you can’t help but recognize the hard realities of the existential
threats Israel faces on a daily basis were poignantly present. We
visited and were briefed by Israeli military experts at the border of
Gaza Strip, Lebanon and in the Golan Heights, with Syria in close
We also met with the Palestinian Liberation Organization Prime
Minister and Secretary General. To say the least, it was a very
interesting meeting. What was unfortunately discussed is that the
peace talks are at a standstill although it was a very civil and
intellectual discussion. There was a lot of finger pointing and very
little to no acceptance of responsibility for the hostile environment
that exists. This is a very unrealistic position for them to take if
peace is truly their goal.

On the Lebanon border, we could see Hezbollah flags flying over
homes across the Lebanon border. The terrorist organization Hezbollah
is a daily threat to Israel as they operate out of Lebanon and Syria,
and Hamas is the enemy based in Gaza. Hezbollah and Hamas are funded
and supported by Iran. Iran is the central threat to Israel and the
Middle East. (Pictured in the Golan Heights overlooking

After hearing firsthand accounts of the threats, rocket launches,
terrorist activity (Including the building of tunnels into Israel
to prepare for an attack) and the estimated amount of funds Iran
has transferred to these terrorist groups, the idea that the Obama
administration made a “deal” where they handed over billions of
dollars to Iran, is impossible to fathom.
Fortunately, President Trump ended any such arrangement with Iran
and hit them with additional sanctions. This action accordingly
impacted the money stream to the terrorists. Fortunately, the skill,
commitment and technology of the Israeli military is top-notch, and
they are very, very grateful for the renewed support of the United
We also visited our United States Embassy in Jerusalem. Pictured
below with the Israeli Ambassador David Friedman.

As much as we appreciated our time in Israel, Shelley and I are
very happy we will be returning home tomorrow. Traveling abroad is
important and it is an extremely strong reminder as to how much I love
the USA and how we can never take all the blessings of being an
American for granted. God Bless America... I do want to
thank the American Israel Education Foundation very, very much for
funding this experience, and for their outstanding hospitality.
Have a great weekend and I will see you soon.

Dan Meuser