Weekly transmissions from Adbusters, the journal of the mental environment
Along with the four other Big Five of Tech — Apple, Google, Facebook, and Microsoft — Amazon is facing growing resentment from both workers and consumers. And rightly so.

Since this crisis began, nearly 40 million Americans have filed for unemployment relief. The global economy is set to plunge into the worst depression since, well, the Depression. And while Amazon's founder Jeff Bezos — already the world's wealthiest man — has made an eye-watering $25 billion, at least 900 of the monopolist's blue-collar employees have fallen sick. Seven of them have died. And of the firm's 500-odd warehouses in the U.S., just one has been closed temporarily to ensure safe working conditions — but only because the state's governor ordered it closed. (In France, by contrast, the court forced all of Amazon's warehouses to close.)

Meanwhile, hundreds of its 400,000 warehouse-floor workers — underpaid, overworked, and scared of infection — have staged walkouts to protest the megacorporation's neglect of their health and safety. Over 2,000 have signed a petition calling for the closure of one "fulfillment center" where over 100 infections have been reported. Nationwide, several employees who voiced concerns were fired. One executive quit in protest over the firings.

Amazon is already one of the most profitable companies on earth. Why can't it assure safe work and fair pay for its employees? Why can't it face the criticism?

Amazon profits off sickness and death — but the malfeasance doesn't stop there. Amazon is gunning for a $10-billlion Pentagon contract. Amazon is behind ICE's anti-immigrant crackdown. Amazon sells its facial-recognition technology to police. Amazon is Big Oil's bedfellow. Amazon is choking off all other business.
Let’s take this personally . . . before the Amazonization of the world is complete, make a personal vow to #BoycottAmazon.
Article: Monster Mash
Syria's Assad (torturer, murderer), India's Modi (vicious zealot), Brazil's Bolsonaro (total madman), Saudi Arabia's MBS (killer thug), Israel's Netanyahu (moral midget), America's Trump (idiotic climate-change denier), China's Xi (merciless enslaver) — we cannot allowe these monsters to keep on strutting their stuff. If we're going to create any kind of a future on this planet, we must begin to wipe their names out, one by one. But what can we do?
Article: Crisis of Confidence
I don’t know the history of confidence. There are no data from which to make inferences about the evolution of human self-assurance. Did doubt plague the early agriculturalists of the Levant the way it does the youth of today? Were there Neolithic humans who exulted in their latest bone tool while others lacked the wherewithal to shape a simple bowl? And if they claimed their right to say what they wanted, did they also claim it as truth? I don’t know the history of confidence, but I do know the wrong side possesses it today. While the best among us lack all conviction, the worst are full of passionate intensity.
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