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Hi John,
AZLEG is back in session!! ([link removed])
The Arizona Sun Times reports:
State Senator Wendy Rogers (R-Flagstaff), who chairs the Senate Judiciary and Elections Committee, told The Arizona Sun Times that election integrity will be a priority despite Democratic Governor Katie Hobbs.
“We do not fear the veto pen,” she said. “We at the Arizona Legislature will work very hard to come up with solutions to get our votes tallied and results known by election night. We have conferred with other states like Florida for best practices. We invite the governor to join us in restoring Arizona‘s faith in our elections.“
Rogers has a hearing scheduled for Wednesday at 3 p.m., which includes consideration of SB 1011. Sponsored by Senate President Warren Petersen (R-Mesa), the bill would eliminate much of the delay in counting ballots by ending the practice of setting up emergency voting centers at the last minute before elections and voters who return their early ballots to early voting locations after 7 p.m. the Friday before the election would be required to present identification. Only if they drop the ballots off at the actual county recorder’s office that late would they be allowed to skip showing ID. Currently, voters can drop early ballots off at any location without ID up until 7 p.m. on Election Day.
Additionally, in-person voting would be expanded past Friday before the election to Saturday and Sunday before the election, but voters would be required to sign an early voting certificate that pledges that if they commit fraud, they are aware it is a felony. The bill is modeled after Florida’s laws, where election results are usually available late into the night of the election.
This week saw the swearing in of new legislators- CONGRATULATIONS SEN. MARK FINCHEM!- and Opening Day for session. I was thrilled to see so many of my constituents come by and join me as I start the fight for our priorities!
This will not be a RINO-led GOP caucus in the Senate. We plan to be aggressive!
The AZ Sun Times continues:
The Arizona Senate Republicans issued a three-part agenda for the 2025 legislative session last week.
The first item, or “pillar,” is securing the border. The second pillar is “Preserving the
American Dream in Arizona,” and the third, “Embracing Federalism and State Sovereignty,” includes securing elections.
Much of the plan for securing the border revolves around ensuring that Proposition 314 is properly implemented. The measure, which passed with over 62 percent support from voters, makes it a state crime to enter the country illegally, allows local and state law enforcement to arrest illegal border crossers, requires the use of the e-Verify program to determine immigration status before someone enrolls in public assistance or financial aid, and makes the sale of fentanyl a Class 2 felony if the person knowingly sells fentanyl and it results in the death of another person.
The border security section also calls for more “oversight of refugee agencies that contract with the state to ensure compliance with state and federal law enforcement and immigration law.”
THIS is the way. We set a bold agenda, we shepherd it through session, and we challenge the Governor to veto our solutions- which are the only solutions that will make it through the Senate.
No half measures. We are going on offense!
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I want you to know and understand that I'm keeping every promise I made to you.
No empty politician-speak here. SB1011 will be the most impactful piece of election integrity legislation in Arizona history.
Will you help me get this passed? The Governor will be skeptical. This will be no easy lift. But everyone noticed how you guys came to support us on Opening Day! Your support DOES change minds. If you can support my effort to pass landmark legislation on the border and election integrity, we have a MUCH better chance of it getting signed into law! ([link removed])
Help me make this happen!
God bless Arizona, and God bless America!
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Wendy Rogers, Lt Col USAF (ret)
Arizona State Senator
Arizona's 7th Legislative District
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PS: I am doing the right things here at the Capitol. But to make it happen, I'm relying on YOUR help. Will you help me? ([link removed])
Wendy Rogers is a retired member of the Air Force. Use of military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Department of the Air Force or the Department of Defense.
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