Refuse Fascism virtual forum:
Offense and Defense:
How To Defeat Trump/MAGA Fascism & Defend Those Under Attack
WEDNESDAY January 15 8:00 pm ET | 7:00 pm CT | 5:00 pm PT
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January 20, Trump will re-take the reins of power. We have to confront
Trump/MAGA fascism 2.0—now backed by all three branches of government, a
united and far-reaching fascist movement, with the Republican Party
purged of any dissent, and a cabinet ready to go full of woman-haters,
immigrant-bashers, war criminals, white supremacists, science deniers,
climate destroyers, racists and shameless liars with no respect for the
rule of law.
Trump’s inauguration posing an existential threat to humanity and the
planet itself, this forum aims to bring people together to inspire and
bolster collective action. Join us to hear prescient insights from
people who have been leading serious efforts to expose and oppose
Trump/MAGA fascism, illuminating the threats we face and the paths
forward to resist them effectively.
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Refuse Fascism | (917) 407-1286 | 2 East 28th Street #321, New York NY 10016-7402