John, There are no off years when it comes to defending democracy. 2025 will bring legislative and governor’s races in Virginia and New Jersey, a critical supreme court race in Wisconsin, and three supreme court seats up in Pennsylvania. Those elections are vital opportunities to support candidates who will fight for fair maps and protect our freedoms. And with Donald Trump taking the oath of office in just five days, attacks on our democracy will come down fast and furious. Will you help us be ready to fight back from Day One, John?
We know how to get things done even with Trump in office — because we’ve done it before. Our proven, tested strategy has generated real results. Take, for example, how in 2016 the GOP won a sweeping 47-seat House majority — despite only narrowly winning the House popular vote. Trump used that significant majority to push through an extreme agenda. Flash forward to today, where thanks in large part to the fair maps movement, Republicans only hold the House by a handful of seats after winning the popular vote by a slim margin. That’s a testament to the anti-gerrymandering work you’ve helped make possible — to make sure our elected officials more accurately represent the will of the people. Winning the House majority is now within striking distance in 2026. But we have to stop Republicans from clinging to unearned power by manipulating maps, which means fighting back against gerrymandering attempts this year and beyond. Thank you for stepping up in this important moment for our country. Team NDRC
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