We're all watching the climate crisis play out before our eyes. In just a few days, Trump will return to power with no plan to protect us. Instead, he's handing the reins over to corporate polluters and billionaires, including planning to approve permits for methane gas exports (LNG) on day one. With Los Angeles in our hearts, we say: Enough is enough.
It has never been more urgent for us to drastically reduce emissions and transition to clean energy. Why then, are we continuing to expand methane gas exports that go to other countries while raising our energy costs here at home, devastating local communities, and making the climate crisis worse?
We know the Biden administration is listening to our call for bold climate action. Last week, the administration blocked 625 million acres of federal water from all future oil and gas drilling, an area equivalent to nearly a quarter of the total land area of the United States. Trump won't be able to undo this action without an act from Congress, which has only the slimmest Republican majority.
This ban is a huge step to stop the oil and gas industry. With the administration in their final days Biden's Department of Energy must also reject pending LNG methane gas exports, which will massively slow the Trump administration's ability to fast-track these projects. Economists, climate scientists, and even Biden's Department of Energy have concluded that the world does not need more gas.
The Biden admin has the chance to further protect our health, climate, and communities from fossil fuels. Friend, you can help push the administration by submitting a public comment demanding they act now!