Memorial Day - Special Edition
May 24, 2020
Due to the Covid 19 pandemic, Memorial Day ceremonies will not be held at the El Dorado County Veterans Monument on Monday, May 25, 2020.
In their place, a pre-recorded ceremony will be broadcast at 1100 hours on Channel 2 (Sierra Community Access Television) & on the following Facebook pages:
Joe Mantegna and Gary Sinise return to co-host the 31st anniversary broadcast of the annual concert honoring the men and women of the U.S. armed forces. The night of remembrance includes personal stories interwoven with musical performances, there is a tribute to workers on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic. ..see trailer here
No one can speak better to the issues your friends and family care about than YOU! So let's gather together, share best practices and reach out to our own lists of people we know.
All are welcome and there's no easier way to get started than reaching out to those you know best!
You're invited to this lively conversation via Zoom. Bring your own cup of coffee or tea and join in the conversation with local candidates who are working to keep our democracy accountable to the the voters.
Please encourage everyone including club members, family, friends to check their voter registration. We continue to see instances of eligible voters either not being registered to vote or with out-of-date voter registrations. Click here to check your voter status
PO Box 1126 • Diamond Springs, CA • 95619

Phone: 916-312-3008

FEC # C00483412 
FPPC# 781341