Environmental Working Group
URGENT: 900+ chemicals in everyday products linked to higher breast cancer risk
Should the FDA allow chemicals linked to breast cancer in everyday products?
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Dear friend,
New research has linked breast cancer risk to hundreds of chemicals found in everyday products.
A journal article identified 900+ chemicals linked to mammary gland tumors or an increase in hormonal activity that may lead to tumors, or both. These chemicals are found in a full range of consumer products, from cleaning products to children’s toys.
Shockingly, these chemicals don’t even go through a safety review before hitting store shelves.
Our regulatory system is broken. We’re looking for at least 500 engaged supporters like you to take a quick survey. Will you offer input to help urge the FDA to implement stronger safeguards? Join us in sending important feedback to the FDA: Chemicals linked to breast cancer have no place in consumer products!
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Should the FDA allow chemicals linked to breast cancer in everyday products?
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