From Josef Lipp <[email protected]>
Subject Did you see this debate, John?
Date January 14, 2025 11:22 PM
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What happens when one pro-life advocate is placed in a room with 25 pro-abortion activists? You can find out by watching Jubilee’s latest episode of Surrounded. Live Action’s founder and president, Lila Rose, sat down for two hours to debate a group of 25 pro-abortion individuals.


What happens when one pro-life advocate is placed in a room with 25 pro-abortion activists?

You can find out by watching Jubilee’s latest episode of Surrounded. Live Action’s founder and president, Lila Rose, sat down for two hours to debate a group of 25 pro-abortion individuals.

Though at times faced with outright attacks by the opposing side, Lila stood firm and defended the pro-life position with strength, clarity, and compassion.

If you haven’t watched it yet, here’s where you can check it out: [link removed] ([link removed] )

It’s striking to read the comments people leave as they watch the video. One thing people keep sharing over and over is the positive impact Lila’s attitude and demeanor have on them, whether they agree with her or not.

These comments are just the tip of the iceberg, John. I would encourage you to look at the comments section while you are watching the debate and see for yourself the kind of powerful impact a bold yet winsome pro-life witness can have on people.

In addition to creating a stark contrast between the pro-life and pro-abortion positions, Lila’s performance in this debate also accomplished another equally important goal: creating a space where viewers could openly share their own experiences.

Here are several I came across that I wanted to share with you:

John, I hope you find these comments just as inspiring as I do. It can often be easy to wonder if the words we speak and the messages we share with others truly make a difference. But seeing the response that this video has received after just a few days shows that our work as pro-life advocates does make a difference in changing the culture from pro-abortion to pro-life.

Please continue to amplify the impact of this debate by sharing the video ([link removed] ) with family and friends, and consider leaving your own comment. You never know who might see your pro-life story and be moved by it.

Thank you for everything you do to build a culture of life!

For Life,

Josef Lipp

Chief Operating Officer

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