Dear Friend,
Artery plaque could have been a death sentence for John — and a catastrophe for his grieving family.
Cholesterol in his artery walls was clogging his circulatory system, restricting blood flow to vital organs, and setting the stage for a disaster.
Left alone, it had the power to turn John — a living, breathing human being — into a fading memory — another heart statistic.
Who knows? John might have been one of the fortunate ones. His plaque might just have triggered a mild heart or brain problem, leaving him diminished, but still alive.
Or, if he was really lucky, he might have escaped with a lifetime sentence of doctor visits and drugs that may cause skin rashes, insomnia, depression, kidney damage, and even rob him of his sexuality.
But now, this once-savage killer is as harmless as a teaspoon of sugar.
Because a few hours ago, John swallowed three, tiny capsules containing an amino acid so safe that the United States Food and Drug Administration has approved it as an additive to baby food.
It entered his bloodstream, seeking out the rogue calcium deposits that had glued plaque to his artery walls.
Then, in an act of supreme irony, the very blood that this plaque had once blocked swept it to his kidneys where it was unceremoniously evicted from John's body as a component of urine.
There will be side effects.
Truly amazing ones!
This remarkable amino acid did not just help remove plaque from John's cardiac arteries, it also helped scrub every one of the 75,000 miles of arteries, veins, capillaries, and microscopic arterioles in his body.
Now, nutrient-rich, life-giving blood is coursing to places it hadn't reached in years.
And suddenly, cells throughout his body are being nourished including...
>> The brain cells that control learning, reasoning, coordination, and memory
>> Nerve endings and painful joints
>> Entire organs — from his eyes and ears... to his heart, lungs and liver... to his stomach, pancreas and intestines — and even his sexual organs
>> Extremities — arms and hands, legs and feet are now being warmed by supplies of life-giving blood...
>> Skin that was thinning and weakening with each passing year is regaining the smoothness, elasticity, and youthful glow it had 10, 20, even 30 years ago...
>> As his body rallies, even the fatigue that began plaguing him after age 50 is giving way; replaced by vibrant new energy.
Four little letters are changing John's life.
They should be changing YOURS!
So what is this miracle of nature? This 23-cent capsule that works such heart wonders?
Scientists call it "ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid." But please don't be put off by the hard to pronounce name. The rest of us refer to it with four little letters: "E–D–T–A."
EDTA, first synthesized in Germany in 1935, is a simple amino acid, very similar in composition to common household vinegar.
In medical studies, EDTA has been shown to be extremely safe. In fact, EDTA is so safe for humans, the American Heart Association recommends large direct intravenous injections as treatment for people who have been exposed to toxic levels of lead, mercury, aluminum, and cadmium.
More than 200,000 children in the U.S. have undergone chelation therapy as treatment for lead poisoning.
Both the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) approve it for use in foods that are enjoyed by everyone from our youngest babies to our oldest seniors.
EDTA is used every day to help stabilize fats, oils, and vitamins... to keep potato products from turning brown... to keep fish and shellfish looking fresh in the supermarket... to preserve the flavor and consistency of milk products... to preserve canned vegetables... to keep beer from exploding in your face when you open the can... to preserve the flavor of soft drinks... and much, much more.
When a doctor administers intravenous EDTA, the procedure is called "chelation therapy." The word "chelation" is taken from the Greek word for "claw" — the EDTA grabs and dispatches toxins in your body like an eagle's claw grabs its prey.
In 1955, research conducted at the Providence Hospital in Detroit, Michigan, found that EDTA can help claw away rogue calcium in your joints, kidneys, and the bones of your inner ear. And that which glues cholesterol deposits to the inner walls of your arteries.
In fact, scientific tests have shown that EDTA can eliminate calcium from plaque, help clogs to soften, let go, and be flushed away!
Put simply, chelation therapy is widely known to be a viable remedy for heart, joint, kidney, and even hearing problems!
U.S. medical associations — including the American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM) are dedicated to training doctors in the use of chelation therapy to improve hardening of the arteries and other chronic degenerative issues.
As a result, 1,526 U.S. doctors enthusiastically recommend EDTA chelation therapy to their patients. And chelation therapy is given to more than 1 million Americans and 3 million patients in Canada, Europe, Australia, and South America every year.
A healthier circulatory system
is the secret to a healthier body
As millions of Americans and others around the world continue to use I.V. chelation therapy to remove toxic metals from their bodies and plaque from their circulatory systems, something else is happening — something truly miraculous:
As toxins are removed... as circulation is improved... and as life-giving blood begins surging throughout their bodies... both patients and doctors report that scores of chronic and painful health problems are helped:
** Blockages in the arteries feeding the heart and brain are reduced...
** Cholesterol, homocysteine, and blood pressure — key risk factors for heart and brain problems are normalized...
** Irregular heart beats and palpitations are regulated...
** Angina and general chest pains are eased...
** Edema (swelling of the lower legs and ankles) is alleviated...
** Chronic shortness of breath is eased...
** Cold, numb, and painful extremities are warmed and soothed...
** Infections due to poor immune health are less frequent...
** Enlarged prostates reduced...
** Varicose and spider veins fade...
** Insomnia is replaced by deep, restful sleep...
** Low energy is replaced by deep wells of new energy...
** Vision problems and "floaters" melt away, eyesight is improved...
** Male sexual problems improved...
** Sciatica and back pain is relieved...
** Sexual sensation intensifies in both men and women...
** Hearing loss due to calcium deposits in the ear improved...
** Age-related cognitive decline, memory loss, and fading mental powers are eased or improved...
** Skin problems and ulcers are cleared...
** And much, much more!
Remarkable scientific breakthrough:
The astonishing power of chelation therapy
is now in your hands!
Until recently, getting the full benefits of chelation therapy was uncomfortable, time consuming and expensive.
You had to take time out of your busy day... drive to the nearest chelation clinic... plop down into a chair... get poked with an I.V. needle... and sit there for up to three hours while the EDTA was pumped into you.
When it was over, the nurse would hand you a bill for up to $300 — and then tell you that you still had nine more treatments... 27 more hours in the chair... and another $2,700-worth of treatments to go.
And as if the $3,000 bill for your first set of treatments wasn't enough to break you, you discovered that you needed to come back in six months for another six treatments, another 18 hours in the chair and another $1,800 invoice!
The high price and inconvenience of chelation therapy put it out of reach for many Americans. But now, those days are gone for good — thanks to Peak Chelation+ Resveratrol™.
Now, you can experience the life-changing benefit of chelation...
• With three small, easy-to-swallow capsules...
• Without needles...
• In the comfort and privacy of your own home...
• And for just pennies a day!
Can you name a single nutrient that can boast of successes like these? ... For pennies a day and ZERO negative side effects?
Peak Chelation+ Resveratrol™ is that product. And although you can experience AMAZING benefits from just taking EDTA alone, that's just the tip of the iceberg...
...To help folks like you naturally support arteries and boost heart health...
...We've taken Peak Chelation+ Resveratrol™ to an even higher level!
BEYOND EDTA: "French Paradox" nutrient can help support years of healthy living!
I'm talking about Resveratrol... and it's no secret this revolutionary nutrient is hailed by Harvard University as "the most phenomenal discovery since antibiotics"...
And scores of other prestigious universities and scholarly journals have uncovered numerous ways this landmark nutrient can help PROMOTE heart, circulatory, and blood sugar health... and help SUPPORT cell activity and cell health! That's because...
...Resveratrol is giving anti-aging and longevity researchers a powerful tool to help...
- Support the health of cells and cell life!
- Support cell turnover and keep cells healthier longer!
- Support healthy aging so you can maintain a youthful appearance!
- Support "old-age" health concerns — including cholesterol, memory, and blood sugar just to name a few!
This amazing nutrient can help enhance and improve your life — starting RIGHT NOW!
In the late 1980s researchers at the University of California's Irvine and San Francisco campuses and at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) made a series of molecular breakthroughs.
They uncovered specific sets of genes in laboratory animals that kept cells from wearing out... from being overwhelmed by free radical damage... and from self-destructing after the reproductive phase.
Scientists were amazed when it soon became evident that a single gene could literally alter the rate of aging. They called it the "survival gene."
Later the gene was named "SIR2" or "Sirtuins" — short for "Silent Information Regulator 2 Proteins."
Resveratrol supports the health of the "Survival Gene"!
Scientists discovered resveratrol helps "turns on" Sirtuin genes to:
- Support healthy DNA!
- Promote healthy cell activity!
- Help lengthen cell life!
- Help speed cell turnover!
- Help support insulin balance in cells!
- Help maintain normal cholesterol levels!
It's no doubt resveratrol is a powerful breakthrough in anti-aging and important protection for your heart. That's why resveratrol is the perfect complement to the EDTA in Peak Chelation+ Resveratrol™.
But we didn't stop there...
6 more powerful nutrients to support healthy arteries... and promote maximum heart health
Malic Acid — the other half of the chelation
dynamic duo, malic acid helps to remove soft metals like aluminum and carries toxic metals such as lead and strontium out of your body through
the kidneys.
Chelation of aluminum may help support healthy brain and memory function — especially as you get older.
Since EDTA doesn't remove aluminum, malic acid helps provide critical brain support.
If you're taking an oral chelation supplement that doesn't contain malic acid for soft metal removal, you're not getting optimum chelation protection.
Garlic — helps support blood flow through the arteries... balanced cholesterol levels... smooth circulation... and normal blood pressure.
Vitamin B6 — helps support normal homocysteine levels for healthy arteries, blood flow, and blood vessels.
Vitamin B12 — helps support heart and brain health by aiding vitamin B6 in supporting normal homocysteine levels and healthy blood cells.
Betaine (Trimethylglycine) — helps support liver function, normal homocysteine levels and heart and brain health.
Folate — this ultimate homocysteine supporter helps promote healthy blood flow and normal blood clotting.
Thanks to Peak Chelation+ Resveratrol™ you now have at your disposal the safest option available to help support clear, healthy arteries! And you can do it in the privacy of your own home!
With Peak Chelation+ Resveratrol™ — your in-home chelation remedy — you get help for both clear, healthy arteries and whole heart support.
With circulatory support you get lifegiving blood, vital nutrients, hormones, and oxygen reaching every cell in your body.
Your body will have everything it needs to return to optimal performance.
That's why so many users report youthful energy levels are restored... shortness of breath is eased... tingling in arms and legs is lessened, motor control made more precise... and why many patients report more muscle comfort, allowing them to walk more easily after chelation therapy.
It's also why, with Peak Chelation+ Resveratrol™, you'll get support for your vision... joints and inflammation... your brain clarity... sharper memory and learning... and sharper sexual function and performance!
Not bad for a solution that costs just 69 cents a day!
Nevertheless, I'm so convinced that Peak Chelation+ Resveratrol™ will improve your life that I've arranged to make it even easier to find out for yourself — right now...
Special Introductory Offer
For First-Time Buyers:
Try Peak Chelation+ Resveratrol™ for just 69 cents a day. You will feel and see the difference it makes — or it's on the house!
When a product works as well as Peak Chelation+ Resveratrol™... and when you have a 95.8% satisfaction rate — that means for every 100 bottles of Peak Chelation+ Resveratrol™ sold, only about 5 bottles are returned by customers for a FULL, no questions asked refund of the purchase price — you can make an offer like that!
Click Here now to claim your introductory supply.
Use Peak Chelation+ Resveratrol™ as long as you like. You must both see and feel significant, dramatic improvements in your health. Otherwise, just return the unused portion at any time... 1 month... 1 year... 10 years from now and we'll promptly refund 100% of what you paid.
Peak Chelation+ Resveratrol™ could help thousands
of people this year — including you!
In our short time together today, you've seen the science behind Peak Chelation+ Resveratrol™... now, it's time for you to decide.
The simple fact is, if any drug company in the world had a product with similar benefits, they'd charge an arm and a leg for it. But for as little as just 23 cents per capsule (just 69 cents a day), Peak Chelation+ Resveratrol™ may be the best bargain you'll see in your lifetime.
Please remember — you have absolutely nothing to lose by accepting this generous offer. The main active ingredient in Peak Chelation+ Resveratrol™ is so safe, it's literally approved by the FDA as a preservative in baby food.
I urge you: Accept this remarkable offer. Click Here now while you're thinking about it and we'll rush your Peak Chelation+ Resveratrol™ to you.
Either way, you'll be taking your first step toward better heart and overall health.
Yours for peak health,
Virginia Tims-Lawson Founder, Peak Pure & Natural®
P.S. When you Click Here and order three or more bottles of Peak Chelation+ Resveratrol™ today, the shipping is on me. That's right! We normally charge $8.95 shipping and handling. But order three or more bottles today — with zero risk — and the shipping is on
the house.