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Join us in the Walk for Life with the International Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of Fatima - a merciful mother who chose life and for those who have suffered due to an abortion.

Dear Friend,

Did you know that abortion is included as one of the scourges that the Blessed Mother warned about during one of her apparitions at Fatima? 

January 22 marks the 52nd anniversary of the US Supreme Court’s infamous Roe v. Wade decision; a mother’s “right” to have her preborn baby, living in her womb, terminated – at any time, for any reason, even through the ninth month of gestation.

The Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade on June 24, 2022. However, the right to take the life of a preborn child is still upheld by many states. 

As Catholics, we have to help both women and men, who have been involved in an abortion. Currently, we live in such a society where awareness of sin is suppressed and the delineation of right and wrong is blurred. It is an objective truth that the taking of an innocent life in the womb is a sinful act. The sin of abortion has consequences on the psychological and emotional health of a woman who has undergone this procedure. Sometimes, that sin scars a person’s soul for a lifetime. Assistance and post abortion healing is available in every diocese. 

One of the most important requests that Our Blessed Mother made at Fatima was for reparation for sins committed in the world. Reparation is defined as making amends for a wrong that has been done. As we approach this anniversary of Roe v. Wade, I would like to invite you to join together with the tens of thousands of rosary warriors of Operation Storm Heaven, to make public as well as private acts of reparation to Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Ways to Promote a Pro-life Culture

Private ways can be attending Mass, praying an extra rosary, doing extra penance or anything that you feel inspired to do. In a public way you can give witness by praying outside an abortion clinic, volunteering to counsel wayward souls or participating in a local pro-life event.

In the Diocese of San Diego, the Walk for Life is this Saturday, January 18, from 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM, at Waterfront Park. For those of you living in southern California, please join us in the Walk. Catholic Action’s beautifully sculptured replica of the International Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of Fatima will be processed throughout the prayerful Walk, a powerful sign to those who stand for life, as well as a merciful mother to those who have suffered due to an abortion.

Why We Should Participate

1.) It is important for us to show our support for the pro-life position in a public way. Actions speak louder than words.

2.) Making the sacrifice to give up a part of a day to support our religious values is meritorious and helpful in our spiritual life.

3.) How often do you have this opportunity? It is one day out of 365.

4.) Make the intention that your participation is an act of reparation for the millions of lives of the unborn that have been taken through the sin of abortion.

5.) In the communion of saints, we can join together in spirit with those who have already passed into paradise.

If you cannot join us, please prayerfully consider an act of reparation for the 63,000,000+ abortions performed in our country since 1973. 


~ Participate in a Walk for Life in your diocese.

~ Offer an hour of adoration for an end to all abortion (both surgical and chemical).

~ Receive Holy Communion in reparation for the sin of abortion.

~ Pray for the conversion of government leaders who promote abortion legislation.

~ Volunteer at a Pro-Life - Women’s Pregnancy Center or a Rachal’s Vineyard Retreat (healing for women who have undergone an abortion).

We look forward to meeting everyone on Saturday, January 18, at the Walk for Life.

May God grant everyone the wisdom and courage to defend the lives of the unborn.

Yours in the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

Thomas McKenna

Founder and President

Catholic Action For Faith And Family

P.S. Have you submitted your intentions for Three Holy Masses invoking the intercession of Our Lady of Prompt Succor, from January 13-15? Please click here.

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