Dear JOHN,

I thought you might find this interesting...

Our organization is 100% driven by individual donors who share in our mission to elect more Republicans. Our average donation is $45. And every 2 years during election season, we get outspent by the Democrats in the final days by at least 2-1.

If history repeats itself again this election cycle (2025-2026), 60% of Republican donations won't be made until the final 3 months of the election (August to October 2026). If history repeats itself again we will be unable to stop the Democrats from lying to voters, we will fall just short of our goals and the cycle will continue.

But in 2019, the WAGOP worked in the 19th Legislative District to buck the trend and do something different... and it worked!

We raised the early funds needed in February and March to flood the district with door-knocking, mailers and digital ads to inform tens-of-thousands of non-active voters about how their Democrat representatives in Olympia were working to pass a backdoor income tax and defund our police. We got to voters before the Democrats could, and our $1 spent EARLY was able to overpower the $2 Democrats spent the following year trying to lie to those same voters.

And when November of 2020 came, we swept the entire deep blue district into an entirely deep red district as it stands today.

Early donations. Early investments. That is why I'm asking for your help today. I need your help to raise the early funds we need now, in the first 3 months, to help us stay on offense and flip seats again in 2026.

We already have 4 Field Directors who are ready to hit the ground in top battleground districts, ready to shed light on the Democrats true actions in Olympia. In the next 6 months, we need to raise at least $200,000 to stay on offense and keep our Field Directors at full strength if we want to have an actual chance of winning in 2026.

That is why we need your help. By clicking on the red button below, you can make sure we have the EARLY funds we need to name check Democrat representatives and build trust with voters NOW. We need to do this before August 2026 comes and Democrats lie their way to victory again.
Make Your Election Time Contribution, TODAY
There are millions of non-voters in our state. We don't even need to worry about switching every blue voter to red, we just need to get people to vote. And the easiest way to get them to vote for our candidates next November is by earning their trust now.

You can help us do that by clicking on the red button and making your election time contribution today, to help us make our investments right now instead of waiting until 2026.
Make Your Election Time Contribution, TODAY
Republicans in Washington State need to win the early battles if we want to win the close races next November. We will do it as aggressively as possible.  And in doing so, we will start winning again come November 2026.

Thank you for all of your past support and your support today!

Matthew Frohlich 
Executive Director
Washington State Republican Party

P.S. If you are able to, please consider turning your donation into a monthly recurring contribution. It helps us budget out a more aggressive field program from now until Election Day.
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Paid for by the Washington State Republican Party. 11811 NE 1st St, Bellevue, WA 98005.
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.