Here’s a bit of background information for you. The CAN Bill has been in Parliament since 2020, when it was introduced by a cross-party group of politicians - Greens, Labour, Lib Dems. It’s currently the only proposed legislation before the UK Parliament that focuses on the climate and nature emergency as a combined issue, so we need MPs to show up on Friday 24th January and push it through to the next stage.
If the CAN Bill passes this stage, we CAN make sure our MPs keep working together to:
♨️ limit the UK's impact on global heating;
🔥 end the exploration and extraction of fossil fuels by the UK ASAP; and
🌳 reverse the destruction of nature by 2030.
The wonderful folk over at Zero Hour have put together an interactive map where you can find out if your MP is already supportive of this Bill. Isn’t that cool? [2]
But it’s simply not enough for them to have voiced their support - will you make sure that they show up and vote to help make history for our futures?