Back to School Buzz: Know Your Parental, Privacy, and Religious Liberty Rights

Children across Texas are heading back to classes this month, and it’s important for students and parents to know their parental, privacy, and religious rights at school. Parents need to also be aware of radical sex education that some school districts may be pushing. In Austin ISD, as well as Fort Worth ISD, radical sex education curriculum is being pushed, or is being hidden from parents. We encourage all parents to thoroughly review the sex education curriculum at their child’s school. Parents have the right to know what is being taught to their children and the ability to tell the district to opt-out their child from sex education.

Sadly, some Texas school districts still have policies that allow men into girls’ showers, locker rooms, and bathrooms. But thanks to the Trump Administration, schools are no longer forced by the federal government to let boys into girls’ private facilities, and vice versa. Students have a reasonable expectation of privacy, as well as well-established religious freedom rights that are protected by laws such as the Texas Schoolchildren’s Religious Liberty Act and the Merry Christmas Law, both of which Texas Values team members helped to pass. To help equip Texans, we have put together an updated resource outlining important parental, privacy and religious liberty rights that public school students and parents need to know.



Attend the 2019 Texas Faith, Family, & Freedom Forum

The 2019 Texas Faith, Family, & Freedom Forum is just 3 weeks away and tickets are going fast! At our policy forum you will hear from over 40 leaders from across the state and nation, as they discuss family values in public policy - including life, marriage, religious freedom, and human sexuality. 

Recently announced speakers include U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Jerry Boykin, Sen. Dawn Buckingham, Rep. Matt Krause (House author of the Save Chick-fil-A Law), Tim Lambert with the Texas Home School Coalition, and Mark Regnerus, Professor of Sociology at UT. Get ready to be educated, motivated, and activated to advance faith, family, and freedom in Texas!



Leander Drag Queen Update

Late last night, the Leander City Council voted 6-1 to require background checks for all presenters at library events. Recently, the city canceled a Drag Queen Story Time at their library after an outcry from Leander citizens. However, a private group sponsored a Drag Queen event that was still held at the Leander Public Library. The city spent over $20,000 for security at the event. Our Policy Advisor Mary Elizabeth Castle testified last night about the need for background checks as well as the dangers of the American Library Association’s promotion of these hyper-sexualized events to children. Watch testimony.

Rev. Bill Owens Joins Program

On the most recent edition of the Texas Values Report, host Jonathan Saenz was joined by Rev. Bill Owens, President of the Coalition of African American Pastors and a featured speaker at our upcoming 2019 Faith, Family, & Freedom Forum. Jonathan and Rev. Owens discussed the civil rights movement, faith, and modern politics. Our weekly radio show airs on Saturdays from 12:00 – 12:30 PM on The Bridge, KTXW 1120 AM in Central Texas. You can listen to a podcast of the program here or watch the Facebook live video here.


Texas Values is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Copyright © 2019 Texas Values, All rights reserved.

Texas Values
900 Congress Ave.
Suite L115
Austin, Texas 78701
(512) 478-2220