Join us TODAY at 8:30pm ET (5:30pm PT) for our LIVE DNC Leadership Call. Hear directly from leading candidates on their vision and commitment to party reform. The conversation kicks off at 8:30pm ET / 5:30 PT, co-sponsored by Our Revolution, The State Democratic Party Progressive Network, Progressive Democrats of America (PDA), and RootsAction.
Here are the top four reforms identified by 10,000+ rank-and-file volunteers, grassroots donors, and progressive leaders surveyed last month:
- Ban dark money in primaries and reject corporate money
- Invest in state parties and uplift grassroots organizing
- Make the DNC budget transparent and hold consultants accountable
- Commit to a progressive platform & small donor democracy
With the election of the next DNC Chair and other top officers set for Feb. 1st, Tonights LIVE virtual event is an opportunity for candidates to speak directly to grassroots progressive Democrats who are doing the vital work on the ground to organize their communities and turn out voters in election cycle after cycle.
We hope you’ll join us for this important conversation!
Click Here - Direct to Zoom - 8:30pm ET (5:30pm PT) start time
When we organize, we win,
Our Revolution
