From Team Sunrise <[email protected]>
Subject Rally Against Chris Wright - Trump's Energy Nominee
Date January 14, 2025 12:10 AM
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Hi John, this is Adah with Sunrise.

I hope you and your loved ones are taking care during these scary times. LA is on fire, and thousands of people have been evacuated while fossil fuel CEO's continue to buy out our government. In moments like these, I'm especially grateful to be in a movement fighting for climate justice and to keep our communities safe.

I'm emailing you because our movement won't stand idly by as California burns. While our LA and Bay Area hubs are throwing down to do mutual aid and take action locally, we're calling on every Sunriser within 100 miles of DC to join us on Wednesday morning, January 15, and rally in the halls of Congress during oil CEO Chris Wright's confirmation hearing. [[link removed]] CEO's like Wright are the reason our homes are on fire, and they have no place in a presidential cabinet.

If you can get yourself to DC Wednesday, please sign up to join us at [[link removed]] . When you sign up, we'll follow up with details about where the launch location is on Wednesday morning, plus group chats for travel and housing coordination for out of town folks.

Will I see you there?



Email us: [email protected]

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