Tina for Oregon


I just delivered my State of the State address to a joint session of the Oregon House and Senate in the Capitol in Salem.

We’re halfway through my first term as Governor, and I’m feeling positive about what we’ve accomplished together. Thanks to your support, we’ve made tangible progress for our state.

There’s a lot that I want to get done in the coming year — and I want to share some priorities with you:

➡️ Housing and Homelessness: By this July, our actions are expected to rehouse 3,300 households and prevent another 24,000 households from experiencing homelessness in the first place. Our state shelter program now supports over 4,800 shelter beds. And we know housing supply is the long-term solution. By July, the state will have financed 2,800 affordable housing units and provided infrastructure for over 25,000 affordable and market rate housing units. This is a strong start — but we need to keep our foot on the pedal of progress. 

➡️ Mental Health and Addiction Treatment: We have to push harder to get Oregonians the treatment they need and deserve. We’re on track to add 465 new treatment beds by 2026, and I’ve recommended funding for another 363 treatment beds. We need to continue to focus on supporting the behavioral health workforce we need to provide the care. And we can’t forget our children and youth. I’m also calling for increased access to mental health and addiction care to support Oregon’s children and their families and targeted work on youth suicide prevention.

➡️ Education: We retooled the way schools teach our youngest children to read, updated our funding model to create more reliable budgets for our schools, and invested in summer learning programs. Now we must ensure our investments come with deeper accountability to get the best results for our children and youth. When a district’s numbers show failure for their students, there will be help and attention — not voluntarily requested, but required direct assistance to make sure all resources are pointed toward better student outcomes. 

➡️ Climate and Resilience: We need to stay the course on fighting climate change and do more to build resilient communities — because the health and safety of our most vulnerable neighbors, our working and natural lands, and our air, water, and wildlife are all at risk.

John, the choices we make today will have a ripple effect on generations to come.

I continue to focus my efforts every day, chipping away at our challenges, and working to make Oregon a place where everyone can be successful. I hope you will support me by making a small contribution to my campaign. Any amount is a signal that you believe in our work to make Oregon the best state in the nation.

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Thank you for reading and for your continued support!

— Tina