This case is moving lightning fast, and TODAY we are filing at the U.S. Supreme Court.
The Biden Administration is trying to force through an 11th-hour rule change to crush your liberty. It's a draconian "reporting" requirement, all under the guise of rooting out terror funding, that is targeting conservative groups, HOAs, and small businesses.
In fact, they are harassing and threatening some of the same Tea Party clients that the IRS tried to shut down under the Obama-Biden Administration. This case has already flown through federal district court and an appellate court (where we filed an amicus brief to defeat it), and now the U.S. Supreme Court has set an emergency hearing schedule to decide it. In just hours, we're filing a major Supreme Court brief to defeat the unconstitutional Corporate Transparency Act.
If we are going to save our constitutional republic from the onslaught of these out-of-control bureaucratic nightmares, it is going to take each and every one of you to fight back.
As we filed at the Supreme Court TODAY to defeat the plague of Deep State corruption, join the fight.
Sign Petition: Defend Liberty at the Supreme Court.
Jordan Sekulow
ACLJ Executive Director