Yesterday, as Representatives Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib were preparing to travel to Israel and Palestine with a U.S. delegation of Congress Members, President Trump was busy tweeting at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu encouraging him to ban these two leaders from entering the country. Netanyahu listened, and declared that Ilhan and Rashida were not welcome.
This is unheard of: the President of the United States publicly urging a foreign leader to ban U.S. members of Congress from entering the country, just because they speak up for the rights of the people of Palestine? It’s racist, it’s demeaning, and it’s a danger to democracy.
We cannot for one second let the world think that we stand by Trump’s behavior, and now more than ever, we need to show Ilhan and Rashida that we have their back. Pitch in a contribution of $10 or whatever you can to show these progressive women of color in Congress that the grassroots support them.
As the first two Muslim women elected to Congress, Ilhan and Rashida were looking forward to visiting with the people of Israel and Palestine, and for the first time providing a voice for those who for too long have been oppressed by military occupation.
Rashida was especially looking forward to visiting her Palestinian grandmother, picking figs from one of her fig trees, and cherishing what could be one of their last times together. But after Trump’s ridiculous and racist political attack, Rashida would only be permitted to visit Palestine if she signed a letter -- and she refuses. She refuses to let the Israeli government use the love of her grandmother against her. She refuses to visit her family under such humiliating and oppressive conditions. And she refuses to be silenced, as the people of occupied Palestine continue to suffer with no one to speak for them.
Banning and silencing U.S. leaders from traveling to a country based on their beliefs is undemocratic, period. It is a direct consequence of Trump’s racism, and goes to show that the politics of hate are thriving under Trump and Netanyahu. It’s up to us to reject it.
Join DFA in standing with Ilhan and Rashida: make a donation to their campaigns now >>
It’s clear the racist, xenophobic, sexist, and Islamophobic attacks against these strong, progressive women of color are only continuing under Trump. It’s up to us to show him we are stronger together, and we will not tolerate his hate or attempts to undermine our democracy.
In solidarity,
Yvette Simpson, CEO
Democracy for America